so... wine used to be pressed... sans clothes?


Sep 12, 2002

a sentence in the paragraph proceeding that picture:

P.S. Unlike our French cousins, we do not add stalks to our wines except under strict supervision!.
Saturday, we went to like 5 vineyards and tasted probably like 30 wines. Ate brats, potato pancakes, sauerkraut, SARSPARILLA, & listened to polka bands and bad DJ music. They had a tent down by the river with a bunch of people carting around what looked like 2-liter plastic bottles of Miller Lite - those giant plastic bottles they make banks out of, in the shape of beer bottles, only these had beer in em. We opted for a nicely chilled bottle of wine and relaxed to watch/laugh/poke fun at the drunk hoochies and dicks slamdancing the late afternoon away.

HOLY CRAP there was this one lady who looked about 60 dancing with some older guy to that Prince song Pussy Control - she would dance and jump up and go down into the splits and go right back up like she had a new elastic hip or something. My gf laughed so loud that some drunk girl came over and said slurrlingly "OMG I heard someone laugh over here, and I knew you'd just seen the same thing I had seen." She ended up getting hit on by some young guys I think.