Erik said:
also no, iron maiden does not use a "limited range of frequencies". i'll grant you that they (and most metal) use less DYNAMIC RANGE than classical music. metal is what we discuss here, though

Actually, Iron Maiden does have a limited range of frequencies on their recordings. Steve Harris' clanking bass guitar sound is considerably treble and hi-midrange heavy and doesn't have much low end compared with other bands (he actually rolls off the low and lo-midrange area). The only time you're going to be getting any kind of low frequency information pushed out of your speakers is when Nicko is using his kick drum or they're using a synthesizer on the track. The low end that would/could be present in the guitar tracks is most like rolled off in order to keep it from competing with the bass guitar and making the mix muddy. Add these all together and you end up with a sound that is very much stuck in the midrange area of human hearing.

More Metal bands do have low end in their sound, but it's only the been fairly recently that stereo systems have been able to accurately reproduce that low end information at the volume levels that Metal fans would like without causing a breakup of the sound of the recording.
sumairetsu said:
Actually, Iron Maiden does have a limited range of frequencies on their recordings. Steve Harris' clanking bass guitar sound is considerably treble and hi-midrange heavy and doesn't have much low end compared with other bands (he actually rolls off the low and lo-midrange area). The only time you're going to be getting any kind of low frequency information pushed out of your speakers is when Nicko is using his kick drum or they're using a synthesizer on the track. The low end that would/could be present in the guitar tracks is most like rolled off in order to keep it from competing with the bass guitar and making the mix muddy. Add these all together and you end up with a sound that is very much stuck in the midrange area of human hearing.
there IS information all the way down to ~30 Hz on Maiden albums. sure there might not be a lot but it is there
1. 128 kbps constant bit rate mp3
2. --alt-preset standard variable bit rate mp3
3. uncompressed audio
4. 192 kbps constant bit rate mp3
5. 160 kbps constant bit rate mp3

i spent a while on 1 and 5. overall, not really any distinguishable differences.
I couldnt really tell the dif between them. I think no.3 was the 'worst' quality of them all, either that or 2, I cant remember now
I only listened once, and honestly can't tell the difference in most.

1. 128
2. 192
3. Uncompressed
4. VBR
5. 160
Erik said:
actually you think they are quality but they likely aren't

Retarded. I like to just be able to hear my music...I never understood the "OMG IF YOU DON'T LISTEN ON X SPEAKERS AT XXX BITRATE THEN YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT MAAAAN" thing...I'm not taking this test to spite you. :mad: :mad:
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Retarded. I like to just be able to hear my music...I never understood the "OMG IF YOU DON'T LISTEN ON X SPEAKERS AT XXX BITRATE THEN YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT MAAAAN" thing...I'm not taking this test to spite you. :mad: :mad:

he never said that he just said they probably arent quality

you can believe something is low quality and yet still find it acceptable for listening imo
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Retarded. I like to just be able to hear my music...I never understood the "OMG IF YOU DON'T LISTEN ON X SPEAKERS AT XXX BITRATE THEN YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT MAAAAN" thing...I'm not taking this test to spite you. :mad: :mad:
you fucking complete fucking idiot, that's the exact opposite of what i'm arguing