
kleo706 said:
Actually, this was a carefully conducted piece of socio-cultural anthropolgy and not randomness.

Cool, then I will shit in the punch bowl while I am at your party in your cardboard box... fuck off vagrant! How is that for some socio-cultural anthopolgy? Oh yeah Henry is a dead man...Take your gay cookie party somewhere else
I knew you were a silly,retarded little freak!!

Too bad though.....The party would've been legendry!

But oh well, you can go back to blowing Henry and that guy you buy "stuff" from.You'll never know how intense that party was going to be....And how much of a hero it was going to make you to have it....But since you posted your gay little invite in all the forums, you should'nt have too hard a time finding a few special people like yourself for your gay pride party.

Check for responses on the Anthrax board....I'm positive they're more your
type of people!!

You're a LOSER!!!

kleo706 said:
Actually, this was a carefully conducted piece of socio-cultural anthropolgy and not randomness.
What happened? Party cancelled? Shit.

Well, at least i can stop waiting by the mailbox for my invite.

Thanks for nothing