Soilent Green - Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Soilent Green - Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction
Metal Blade – 15 April 2008
by Ryan Starr


Soilent Green are one of those bands who are truly unique in the genre. You can find grind, sludge, blues, and even country mixed in. This lastest release stays true to their unique sound. Now, I’m going to review this from two perspectives: a new listener, and a veteran fan.

If you are new to Soilent Green, this is a fantastic album to get. The sound is top notch, thanks to Erik Rutan, and the riffs are solid. Being a new fan, you have never heard anything like this before and I'm certain you will be impressed.

However, if you are a big fan of the band, you will notice that this album is a carbon copy of Confrontation. On more than one occasion I had an eerie sense of déjà vu. It almost seems like they just tweaked the riffs a little and called them new. Are they really that stretched for material? Sure, the riffs are good, but for a band as unique as Soilent Green, I am amazed they couldn’t find a new direction to travel. They even stumble across a sound that I think would be perfect for them in one of their intros. The track 'Superstition Aimed At One's Skull' starts off with a fuzzy psychadelic melody that really fits the band. Why they didn’t keep using it is unknown to me. And it’s a shame, because if they had kept using it, this album would easily be in my top ten. Instead, we have rehashed riffs with good production.

Sorry guys, it seems like Soilent Green have missed the mark on this one.

Official Soilent Green Myspace
Official Metal Blade Website
Can't say I'm a huge fan, but I have both "Confrontation" and this new one.

So far, one of the best 2008' releases I've listened to. The guitar work is amazing (as it also was in Confrontation), they do have a unique sound. Vocals sound better this time imo. Actually, production as a whole seems to be better this time.
i dont see whats so great about this band, the music is cool but the vocals aren't.
And the vocalist is a complete moron. In an interview, he speaks about talking with Rutan (who produced this junk, go figure) who asked him after being confronted by the vocalist on the same issue, "so what is a band with the guitars right in the forefront like you guys want?" and the vocalist replied..."Hatebreed." Not even kidding...moron.

And as a graphic designer the cover makes me weep.
And the vocalist is a complete moron. In an interview, he speaks about talking with Rutan (who produced this junk, go figure) who asked him after being confronted by the vocalist on the same issue, "so what is a band with the guitars right in the forefront like you guys want?" and the vocalist replied..."Hatebreed." Not even kidding...moron.

And as a graphic designer the cover makes me weep.

haha it looks like a horrible videogame cover