Soilwork sound


New Metal Member
Apr 8, 2004
well....i own a boss gt-6 pedal effects board.does anybody know what pedals soilwork use?or maybe some settings for this pedal board?(soilwork settings).thnx :OMG:
NeedledWarheart said:
So you wanna sound like JEsper and Bjorn, Yes, Soilworks Sound on tHe JEsterRace is Good. :lol:
Soilwork bite balls.
i just re read that thread yesterday, genious :worship:
Ulmo said:
well....i own a boss gt-6 pedal effects board.does anybody know what pedals soilwork use?or maybe some settings for this pedal board?(soilwork settings).thnx :OMG:

i know what you're looking for dude, soilwork's tone on a predator's portrait is my ALL TIME favorite. they get a really thumpy booming rhythm tone while at the same time keeping kick ass lead tone. the octive chords ring through great and not to mention the amazing solo lead tone that they're known for.

but to be honest with you dude, i think its more due to stellar production than anything else. ive only seen them live once, but their tone wasnt anything close to their studio tone.

maybe someone with a little more knowledge of effects and such can shed some light on how to get close to that tone, but i think its going to be really hard to reproduce live.
Soilwork = solid state amplification.

I'm also willing to bet that their tone is due to amazing production; you rarely hear guitars tuned to B that have such cutting chord tones. To get that sound, I'd try boosting the mids a tad bit, and just use the distortion from your amp (Soilwork uses Randall amps, I believe). Having a Caparison guitar might help too, but an Ibanez should get you a similar tone. I'll post again once I figure out some more.
why? why? why? .....i feel sorry for kids today. listen to kill em all from metallica if u want good tone.
King Chaos said:

@sixnut... live in the now!!!

Soil works sound aint that good anyway dude... just turn up a tiny bit of flange, half reverb(ish) and add loads of distortion (trebly aswell ;) ) still sounds better than most bands today...clean ur ears son
sixnutfury said:
why? why? why? .....i feel sorry for kids today. listen to kill em all from metallica if u want good tone.
Sorry but that tone is very thin. It's very edgy, but thin as hell. It works for that album cuz it's what you expect for that type of music. If you're going for the 80s speed metal tone, by all means get a Marshall and find that tone. But that's not what's asked for here.

And Soilworks tone in my best guess is a mix of a mic'd peavy 5150 and some direct tone. Also, you won't be able to get it out of one guitar. It's most likely a mix of several different guitar tones.