Solace Denied require new Vocalist

im sure this thread will end up in there though .. something along the line of "FUCKIN HELL FUCKIN BASTARD CANT FUCKIN BELIEVE HE LEFT FUCKS SAKE" etc etc ..

sorry ive not been around anywhere that much up until the last few days again, cos ive had a lot of money problems to sort out and ive been working a bit, had to put a lot of stuff on hold ..

but the next huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge update of raw nerve is imminent and it will feature a stunning review of the desolation cd ,, i know it seems ages since i got the cd, but like i say, trouble at ' mill!!
will send you the link when its there mate
*tsk tsk*

excuses :) .....only kidding of course.

i look forward to seeing all the updates. i have some info on some big underground type metal gigs that are going on over the summer. i'll send you some details for the site. that's if you list non-raw nerve gigs. i'm not sure???
black eclipse 02 (bradford) 22nd June

dungeonfest 2 (leeds) 29th June

black congregation (sheffield) 27th July

flapper and firkin (brum) 14th Aug

and some other we haven't finalised yet. probably in the south a bit closer to home :)