Solid state drives - overrated?


Apr 29, 2008
So I just built my new studio PC and installed windows, cubase, etc... I decided to splurge on an SSD just for my operating system and main programs.... and maybe my expectations were too high, but it doesn't seem all that faster to me? I was expecting to hit the power button and be in windows in like under 10 seconds. it still takes like 20 or so.
well it's a lot faster believe me.
Before it took me 2 minutes to load windows 7, now with a SSD 1 minute, maybe even less and I'm ready to go

You have a slow system man. :lol:

My registry is f-ing cluttered at the moment, and it still doesn't take me more then about 30-50 seconds to boot.

(Note: I'm running windows of a 7200rpm 500gb Seagate Barracuda.. the entire system was built late 2007/early 2008, cant quite remember.)
You have a slow system man. :lol:

My registry is f-ing cluttered at the moment, and it still doesn't take me more then about 30-50 seconds to boot.

(Note: I'm running windows of a 7200rpm 500gb Seagate Barracuda.. the entire system was built late 2007/early 2008, cant quite remember.)

I guess porn has fucked up my system lol
Maybe I exaggerated a bit!
I have to check with my watch and see how much it takes lol

EDIT: 35 seconds!
that's exactly the one I got haha. I don't know. I guess it's pretty fast... definitely not mindblowing though.
I believe the biggest bottleneck on booting is the old ass bios that computers still use. There´s a much faster technology to replace that for quite a while, but they´re still holding it.

I don´t have a SSD drive yet : (
We should be getting a couple of these in the lab soon. Can't wait.
