Solo Album


Aug 26, 2008
Has there been any talk of a solo album? I know you're a busy man and all, but come on, you must release a solo album, you could put a bunch of stuff in there, like you playing metal, classical, and even jazz. Hell I'd buy it for sure.
I'm sure Chris has a lot of shit to do with Megadeth. If he does do a solo album it will be a long time from now.
Solo Album!? How about an Instrutional Video!!!? That would be absolutely cool !!!

it's not "A" instructional video!!!! it's "THE" instructional vid.. Chris planned something like this back in his Jag Panzer days. maybe even before he toured with the mighty Nevermore, but I cannot remember precisely... u can search this forum about that issue... and yes, that would be awesome, especially, now that Chris has more attention!!! he deserves it. maybe that's why he saved it until now, same for the solo record. would be damn cool!

Jeff got one, so Chris please! would be the most diverse album, for sure!!! :worship: