Solo Distortion Problem


New Metal Member
Apr 8, 2012
Hello Ultimate Metal Community!

I have a problem with my amp sims in the higher frequencies. Every distortion amp sim has this nasty ringing artificial or however you call it, and it really bugs me. The low end sound on the other hand is awesome. I tried using an eq to get rid of the artificial but that didn't really work... still I need something to smothen the sound.
My equipment consists of a Behringer UCG102 and a Schecter 7 String with 707 Pickups. Im using Reaper as my DAW and set the ASIO driver to 48k and rapid settings.

Because it's nearly impossible to illustrate what I mean without a sample:

Regards, Robert
No one even the slightest idea?

I'm quite sure that the problem isn't the preset, as I tried tons of presets and still the same problem. I think it's the quality of the signal, but how can I improve it?
I found a thread that has a very polished lead tone signal, and that's how I want to get mine to sound like.

Thread: lead signal my signal

Regards, Robert
Are you getting as much of your signal as possible? The "Preparing your guitar tracks for reamping" thread by Glenn Fricker might be of some use to you.

Okay, it was Chrome not wanting to open the file. FF works fine.

That's odd... Can't say I know how to troubleshoot that right now. Are you running a laptop and keeping it plugged in? Maybe unplug the comp and try again?
My equipment consists of a Behringer UCG102 and a Schecter 7 String with 707 Pickups.

That's a £20 interface... and you're comparing your signal to something that probably came through a specialised DI Box costing near £200.

EDIT: Also use 44k not 48, and try using ASIO4ALL
First of all thanks for the response.

Are you getting as much of your signal as possible?
Yes, I have a hi and lo switch on my Interface and I tried both. The signal is way to high on the hi-mode, because I'm using active pickups so I switched to lo-mode for now.

Are you running a laptop and keeping it plugged in?
I run the interface through my Desktop PC which has internet, mouse, keyboard, microphone and a printer connected to it. The PC is relatively new so there shouldn't be any problem with the hardware. The computer is hooked up to a electric splitter, which gives connection to a electric splitter, which gives connection to another electric splitter. I have a good amount of devices connected to the splitters like a lamp (which I've usually turned off), speakers, router and so on...
I've read something about dirty power, but I'm not sure if it can be the case on an USB-Device.

That's a £20 interface... and you're comparing your signal to something that probably came through a specialised DI Box costing near £200.
Maybe you are right, although I've seen some videos with the same interface and they came up with a really decent tone, though undistorted. I still don't know if I should buy a DI box, because spending like 500 bucks for something which has a large amount of inputs though I only need one for the guitar and one for the speakers is a waste for me. If it really has a high impact on the sound quality I'll probably consider buying one, though I don't know which.

Also use 44k not 48, and try using ASIO4ALL
I switched to 44k now, but haven't notice a difference yet. Here are some screenshot of my ASIO presets (using the Behringer ASIO, because else the interface doesn't get recognized):


Regards, Robert
You're saying you have a surge protector hooked up to a surge protector hooked up to a surge protector? With all sorts of stuff plugged in to them?

You shouldn't need a DI box if you get something like the M-Audio or Focusrite. I use an M-Audio Fast Track Pro for my home "demo" stuff and it works absolutely fine. Check EBay or Craigslist and you can find cheap cheap stuff.