SoloC, Real bass, Superior 2, Soft-core


Jan 4, 2008
Hi guys

This is the first thing I have made in 3 months or so.. my creativity is divided by zero :erk:

So i made this clip that I hope will end up in a full-length song..
I modified Lekteri's superior preset for this one, and replaced the kick and blended in a new snare sample.. The guitars are GGate > TSS > SoloC > Boogex > EQ > ReaXComp .. with CatharsisStudios impulse for the 100 L/R guitars and the "Englv30higherpres" impulse for the 70 L/R guitars..

Both guitar and bass are low-budget instruments with stock pickups.. ESP EC-50 and Ibanez GSR-200


Where should I go from here? How do you guys work/write when you have sorted out one part, and want to move on to the next.. I'm stuck :cry:

- John
I programm a beat I like and run it in loop while jamming to it until I find something that fits to the first part but is something new.

Great sound/riff by the way!
onqel, that sounds amazing, great guitar sound you get out of soldano vst.;) i´m surprised.
could you post soldano vst settings and general guitar settings? i love your tone.
Thanks alot for your feedback!

Here is the information about the guitars..

Rythms track 100% L/R:
TSS : Drive = 0 , Tone = 2.15, Level = 5
SoloC : (parameter settings w/o gui) Bright OD channel, Input = 0.84, Drive 2 = 0.865, Low = 0.497, Mid = 0.265, High = 0.576, Contour = 0.670.
Boogex with Catharsis Studios impulse
ReaEQ ( HP @ 90hz , LP @ 12100hz , Boost @ 400Hz 2dB Q=0.6, Cut@500Hz -1.5dB Q=0.55, Cut @ 2380Hz -2dB Q=1 , Cut @ 4900Hz -2dB Q=0.4 , Boost @ 7890Hz 1.2dB Q=1.5
ReaXComp with the andy sneap attack/release/ratio settings

Rythm tracks 70% L/R settings:
TSS : Drive = 0 , Tone = 5, Level = 5
SoloC : (parameter settings w/o gui) Bright OD channel, Input = 0.84, Drive 2 = 0.865, Low = 0.52, Mid = 0.265, High = 0.6, Contour = 0.670.
Boogex with Englv30higherpres impulse
ReaEQ ( HP @ 90hz , LP @ 14200hz , Cut @ 285Hz -4dB Q=0.25 , Cut @ 677Hz -2dB Q=1.63, Boost @ 2060Hz 1.5dB Q=1.0, Boost @ 4800Hz 0.8dB Q=1.0, Boost @ 7890Hz 1.2dB Q=1.5)
ReaXComp with the andy sneap attack/release/ratio settings

+ Small mud cuts on the guitarbus.. ReaEQ
where did you find the andy sneap attack/release/ratio settings? I could really use em.
Awesome thanks... It helps to own c4.... the guitar distortion sounds verrry light unmixed. Is it supposed to be this way or am i doing something wrong
ya i found the Englv30higherpres impulse but not the other. is there any additional settings i need to put in in boogex?... Edit: haha i just had to turn up the drive in boogex. What are your settings? Not tryin to copy your tone completely but this is probably one of the best tones ive heard from plugins on this forum.
hmmm... Stills sounds weird without the drive turned up in boogex... What do you mean by "parameter settings w/o gui" Im still kinda a noob at this
In Reaper you can click a "UI" button to see the parameter settings of the plugin.. this disables the GUI :p I just thought this was a more accurate way of showing the settings
but anyway.. you should'nt use the Drive button because it's a part of the amp-section of Boogex.. that is what you have SoloC for :p These settings works for my guitar.. and won't sound 100% the same with your guitar.. You'll have to find a way to make it sound good to you ;)
HAHAHA Figured it out... on the solo c settings you wrote down all the numbers after a decimal point. Don't know if that was intentional but Its cool now.... YOU Fuckin Rule
Anyways back on topic.... Maybe you should try some single string riffing afterwards like in "Swim" by inflames... just a suggestion
Hi, I have a question for you. Actually for everyone. Do you guys use multiband compressors like C4 on guitar bus or on every single channel? I'm a little bit clueless here, usually I put a stereo comp on guitar bus.
Btw, damn good mix. The sounds reminds me a Finnish band (can't remember the name though:))