Solution .45 - Premier track "Gravitational Lensing"

shit sounds amazing man. probably a cheat question but, he doesn't use auto tune does he?
Tom Gardiner (guitars) & Rolf Pilve (drums) are sick musicians !

It's funny to see them in that band now since i got to meet them/see them live years ago while i was in Finland (good old times :) ) !

Rolf was like 16 years old or something and already kicking ass in a local Behemoth-like band (but he was already doing some non-typical-metal drums videos as well). Tom Gardiner was playing in the crazy chaotic band called Scorched Earth Tactics and also in Hateform (he joined later).
This is awesome. I am really anxious to hear the final product. As Scar Symmetry are becoming a shit this new project could take their place in the heavy scene. Well sounds a lot more promissing that the last Scar Symmetry album.
Yeah sounds awesome man! Very huge wall of sound and good control of all the elements. Can tell a fair bit of work went into this one. It's reminds me of Scar Symmetry prior to gayness commencing.

My only criticism is that it's sounding a little bit maybe scooped and over-bright here! The Miseration record edges it out in the 'fullness' category just a little.

But aside from that, you're still pissing on everything man, ace work.
Thx for the kudos guys!

Christian and I put about 17 days into recording the clean vocals. After that he did all the growls in 4-5 days. The attention to detail that was put into even a single chorus on there is normally what would be put into a whole albums worth of vocal material, so it was a very mental challenge for both of us not to mention the physical exhaustion Chris went through. :kickass:

Ermz, yeah.. it's definitely on the brighter side of things and in essence this particular song doesn't really need it, but the thick arrangements on the album in general with about 80 tracks of vocals and hundreds of channels (yes... hundreds :erk:) of overdubs and key arrangements just dictated to me a more scooped sound and utilizing the extremes of the spectrum a bit more than usual. Just in order to fit in all the arrangements and different sounds that change around quite a bit. Like the song "Clandestinity Now" that finishes off the album in a 10+ minute dark epic barrier of sound. :Smokedev:

We went down quite a few roads leading to dead ends before we found a combination of tones that would work across the album and I think we spent about 14 days mixing it.
Lots of Scar Symmetry vibes too for me
I agree with Ermz, a tiny bit too bright for me. The cymbals get a bit unpleasant to listen to when you really listen to the track repetitively due to the brightness, but otherwise no issues with the mix, sounds amazing
I like it. Judging by this and the leaked demo of "clandestiny now" from a while back, I can tell I will like it more than the latest Scar Symmetry. I will miss Per's solos though.
i have listened to this track way too many times yesterday/today it fucking kills i can't wait for the cd!!!
Crazy that there were so many vocal tracks. I honestly can't even imagine what you could put on so many that would be relevant to the song, but I trust you and Christian knew what you were doing. He's obviously an amazing vocalist.

I would just love a bit more fullness in the final thing, is all. I think it's more reflective of my taste for Randy Staub's material of late than anything else. You've done a great job here for the material and I'm sure a ton of people around the world are going to enjoy this release. I know my friends and clients here certainly will.
Hmm... listened to the track on full speakers here. It sounds a bit harsh actually but I think it might be the audio codec doing something funny. The CD version sounds better in comparison and no one who's heard that has had any complaints really.
Good stuff. Mix isn't the "best" I could think of but it sounds professional and I listen it with joy. (Maybe a bit too clear and crispy for my taste). Can't wait for the album!
Pilve and Gardiner. :kickass: