Some Behringer Secrets

I'm pretty sure it's normal to light tubes in such a low power type of thing. Hell, tubes barely light up in an amp anyway, they don't blast light out like a freakin' light bulb.

i luv beringher. they're such renegade bastards.
And the funniest thing is:

red color = his affiliate code

He slams Behringer but still wants you to buy their products from zzounds because they will pay him few percent of the purchase price. :lol: :goggly:
This has been posted before, but it's far from the worst thing Behringer has done...

A few years ago, they stole Mackie's mixer design, everything about it. Mackie sued and lost, only because they had not secured their patents early enough. The court still acknowledged that Behringer had stolen the designs. The funniest thing was that the manual was exactly the same, down to the misprints!

I've compared a Behringer of that era against a Mackie with the same content going through the same speakers, and it's hilarious how much worse the Behringer sounds. Lower output, more noise, and really cheesy feeling knobs and switches.

Behringer is a brand best avoided...

This is 100% true:
That guys is talking mostly bull¤#¤%#. The tube is in a parallell gain stage to add overtones (not so much "warmth"), and it's fed with only 50 or 55 volts which hardly makes it glow at all, but is more than enough to add some color to the signal. Does he honestly believe that Behringer is putting LEDs behind the tubes to fool people?!? Many manufacturers do it... it's a part of the visual design. What an idiot...
I actually own the T1953 Tube Ultragain which seems to be the bigger brother of the preamp mentioned. It's probably almost the same, but the T1953 has one tube for each channel whereas the MIC2200 has only one tube split between the channels. I've tried some different tubes, and there's definitely a difference. The Sovtek tubes that were stock mounted were pretty harsh sounding. Right now I have one iE ECC83 (which allegedly is made in an old Philips tube factory in Yugoslavia) and one NOS Telefunken ECC83 which sounds pretty sweet both for vocals and PODxt guitars. Yes, pearls for swines, I know...

I have a TLA Ivory 5050 preamp as well, but the Behringer is cleaner and generally better. It looks nice too:

This has been posted before, but it's far from the worst thing Behringer has done...

A few years ago, they stole Mackie's mixer design, everything about it. Mackie sued and lost, only because they had not secured their patents early enough. The court still acknowledged that Behringer had stolen the designs. The funniest thing was that the manual was exactly the same, down to the misprints!

I've compared a Behringer of that era against a Mackie with the same content going through the same speakers, and it's hilarious how much worse the Behringer sounds. Lower output, more noise, and really cheesy feeling knobs and switches.

Behringer is a brand best avoided...

This is 100% true:

Behringer was started by a former Mackie engineer.

i don't see why people complain so much, it's entry level equipment. The people who complain act like they bought something really expensive. i mean you pay $150 for a brand new tube pre then bitch that it doesn't sound like one that's more expensive?