Some feedback please


Jan 30, 2012
Enköping, Sweden
Hi everyone. I'd really appreciate some feedback on this song I'm working on.
It's done arrangement wise but have no vocals yet. It's called Day of Defeat (pc game), WW2 theme.

Been working too long with it and now I'm uncertain about just everything lol.
Levels...overall eq...guitar/bass sound...drumprogramming...
I need to get this thing done, learn something from it, and move on to the next one ;)

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Sounds good! But there are definitely things to improve on here.

1. The bass is really overpowering and seems to contain too much mids.
2. Did you use DFH on this one? The snare reminds me of DFH because it sounds so thin. Eiter hit it with some crazy EQ or switch to another program, because that snare never sounds good IMO.

Other than that, this has potential to sound really good! The bass is the biggest problem at the moment. Oh and nice playing!

Would love to get your feedback on this:
Thanks for listening Tore!

I've done some adjustments on the bass, I want to really hear the bass in the mix but I guess I overdid it ;-)

I really need to get a pair of proper monitors, it's hard to hear details/levels through the POS speakers I'm using right now.

Yeah, it's DFH. Thats my only option right now. I don't suppose you can swap the snare for another sample, right? (other than the options within the kit)
Will try with some EQ on it.

Thanks again for listening and giving me advice. I'm just an old fart who got into playing again after many years.
Did some adjustments. Had a dark cello on there without HP, I think it messed upp the bass a bit.
Lowered the bass and adjusted the HP filter, still too loud?

Tried some aggressive EQ on the snare, a bit better now I think.

Thanks for listening ;-)

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