Some funny history

Windom Pearl

May 31, 2001
Tampere, Finland
030299 Woodblock: Pungee, Obscurded Destitution, S.W.A.M.P., Married With Misantrophy, Carpe Diem, Panta Rhei, Apathy, Johtajameininki, QBS-trio, Crying Machine, Crappy Clown, Scarlet Sunset, The Surfers, Bloodoath

Hehe. Found the bandlist of an OLD band contest held in Tullikamari four years ago. At the time I was in Pungee, Lassi in Obscured Destitution and Toni in Apathy. Toni and I knew each other on a "hello"-level at the time. I expect my old Pungee-mate to put some old songs online soon. That will be cool.
Windom Pearl said:
Woodblock: Pungee, Obscurded Destitution, S.W.A.M.P., Married With Misantrophy, Carpe Diem, Panta Rhei, Apathy, Johtajameininki, QBS-trio, Crying Machine, Crappy Clown, Scarlet Sunset, The Surfers, Bloodoath
...And rest of that night I would like to forget... :)
I can't say that I truly remember you all from there, but you and Lassi I can pull out from my memories.
But was Toni there too?!
God, it was long ago, but I also have the playing list, somewhere...
The Boys from Lempäälä were there also...
Those were the days... and they won't come back...

Ps. this is my first post in UM, I've kinda avoited it...
Pps.congrats about the new forum, stars.!
Windom Pearl said:
Oh? Have we been talking about this? I can't remember what happened to you that night. Got wasted, eh? :) Seems personally I've already forgotten the rest of that night.
Naah, keikka vaan meni niin perseelleen kun rytmi hukkui puolessa välissä biisiä ja piti sitten silleen tahkota biisi loppuun... :)
Windom Pearl said:
030299 Woodblock: Pungee, Obscurded Destitution, S.W.A.M.P., Married With Misantrophy, Carpe Diem, Panta Rhei, Apathy, Johtajameininki, QBS-trio, Crying Machine, Crappy Clown, Scarlet Sunset, The Surfers, Bloodoath

Hehe. Found the bandlist of an OLD band contest held in Tullikamari four years ago. At the time I was in Pungee, Lassi in Obscured Destitution and Toni in Apathy. Toni and I knew each other on a "hello"-level at the time. I expect my old Pungee-mate to put some old songs online soon. That will be cool.

:Smokin: Smokin'

I infested your forum, buhaha
Windom Pearl said:
030299 Woodblock: Pungee, Obscurded Destitution, S.W.A.M.P., Married With Misantrophy, Carpe Diem, Panta Rhei, Apathy, Johtajameininki, QBS-trio, Crying Machine, Crappy Clown, Scarlet Sunset, The Surfers, Bloodoath

Hehe. Found the bandlist of an OLD band contest held in Tullikamari four years ago. At the time I was in Pungee, Lassi in Obscured Destitution and Toni in Apathy. Toni and I knew each other on a "hello"-level at the time. I expect my old Pungee-mate to put some old songs online soon. That will be cool.

You'd better buy me a beer or i'll publish here one of the darkshine era pictures from Luppa's archives ...