Some gear porn...


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006
So, I occasionally check out the "Guitar World" website, because they put up some interesting videos every now and then...

Today I've found 3 vids that particularly caught my attention and I figured some of you might get a kick out of them, too.

Number one is a PRS factory tour, that shows you every step their guitars take up to the final quality control:

Number two is the one and only Steve Vai, giving you a detailed rundown on his rig. Highly recommended as this contains some unique gizmos... Did you know that he's getting ALL his electrics a fretjob from True Temperament?

Number three is Eddie Van Halen, taking a tour through the factory where his new EVH Wolfgang get's born and sitting down for some tone-nerd talk. Not as detailed as the PRS tour, but if you're an Eddie fan (like me) or a gear nerd, it's interesting nonetheless.

Enjoy! (If you haven't found them on your own yet...)
Makes one wanna pick up as PRS, doesn't it? ;)

And nice to see Vai finally admitting he can't live without.... his fan! :lol: And the shiny lights, cause that's what it's all about haha.