Some good albums I've been listening to lately

I just got the new Catamenia, it's pretty sweet.

Lately I've been using Shade Empire's Sinthetic to get me to sleep, it's been working so far:kickass:
I've recently gotten into Gojira- any suggestions on albums to pick up? (I have none at the moment, but will be making a run to the music store in the next few weeks.)


Sorry for the exceptionally slow response! :goggly:

I don't think you can really go wrong with any of Gojira's releases, From Mars to Sirius should be widely available and The Link was just re-released so it should be too, the same goes for their DVD The Link Alive (an amazing performance, but it only features material from the first two albums).

I believe their site should have samples from each album, but in short: Terra Incognita is a great album, but it's fairly close to standard death metal in terms of style/sound.

They drifted away from the standard death metal influence on The Link (I'm not sure how to describe it, progressive thrash perhaps?), it's not quite as heavy as Terra Incognita or From Mars to Sirius but it's a killer album all the same.

I think From Mars to Sirius is pretty easily their best album so far, I really like the sound they've developed and I don't think I can recommend it highly enough. It's easily one of my all-time favorite albums.

If I missed the boat and you've already grabbed an album of theirs, what did you think of it?

That Daath album is great. Now for me it's.

Divinefire - Hero
Novembre - Materia
Skyfire - Timeless Departure

I'm really curious about that Daath album.

I'm hearing great things about Gojira...I'm going to pick that up next.

Anyone into Kamelot? I'm curious about their new one too.

The new Symphony X is great...they completely rocked live...I'm going to see them again.

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