Some Great News

Alexander TG said:
I can just imagine every Syx fan worst nightmare, Russ does a few catchy, radio friendly no-brainier tunes and hits the mainstream, splits from symphony in search of fame and fortune.
Not a chance...

Alexander TG said:
If Russ did a bluesy,original and rocking project I would buy it in a second, his voice would burn up the blues for sure and he would perhaps receive more accolade within a wider music community, good for him.
I'm sure he will.

SilentRealm said:
hold on..another reply.. yeah i will be cut up if he leaves SX..:( or hits the mainstream and sells out to the commercialism, then develop a mass ego and then just not even try anymore with his vocal abilities.. that would be awful.

Whoa! Aren't we jumping ahead of things? He just started writing and you guys already know how it's gonna end? What are you, psycic? Cut the crap. No offense, I just think it's silly to pre-assume things and get all upset for nothing. Just my philosophy of life. No hard feelings. :)
Well if he didn't get any recognition from the mainstream out of that..then i just dunno wtf is going on in the music industry because his voice truly is genius.
Though even if it did all happen, at the end of the day when the hoards of teeny boppers have moved onto the next big thing.. i will still be in complete awe of him.
I imagine it will be a blues-rock Led Zeppelin type thing... I mean he mentions Zeppelin in about every interview.

And I love Russ's voice, AND Zeppelin, so I hope it happens that way. That'd be awesome! Whatever he does, it will rock.