Some heartless can some people be!?

May 19, 2008
Somerset, UK
A good friend of mine has been raising money for breast cancer and got a tattoo of the breast cancer ribbon in respect to it. He set up his donations page ( :saint: ) and put a collections tin up in the shop he worked in. (None of this money went towards the tattoo, he was going to pay for it himself but the tattooist did it for free).

Yesterday, around 5 o'clock a guy in a big puffer jacket just chucked it in his jacket and walked off.

How can people be so fucked up!? :erk:

Woah messed up the thread title "HOW heartless..."
If you saw the guy in the puffer jacket, why didn't you stop him (unless he was armed)?

That's a really sad story man. Happenings like this just keep hammering home my cynical outlook towards humanity. There are so many kind-hearted individuals but they're getting harder to find in this egocentric society which is tearing down moral values in chunks.

Hope the drive picks up again dude, all the best.
That's a really sad story man. Happenings like this just keep hammering home my cynical outlook towards humanity. There are so many kind-hearted individuals but they're getting harder to find in this egocentric society which is tearing down moral values in chunks.

Yeah, this is a serious problem because when you are nice to people, it's a fact that you will at some point be taken advantage of by people who are not so nice. Makes you think if you wanna rather be a nice guy and get screwed over or be an ego and atleast play it safe.

It's a circle of negativity at its finest!

As for me, I try to not to be too nice nor too bad :)