Some ideas for the 2010 election

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
Hey, for everyone voting in the 2010 US election (which I hope is everyone of age), I recommend checking out, a really nice aggregator of info on election candidates. In the Issue Positions section for most candidates you'll find citations of news articles, public statements, etc. from various sources. I know we're all susceptible to apathy when it comes to elections since it's easy to be overwhelmed by all the misinformation out there, so sites like this make it much easier to stay informed.

Also, for those who don't want to vote Republocrat but consider voting for a minor/independent candidate to be "throwing away a vote", try finding someone you know (and trust) on the opposite side of the political field and make a mutual agreement with that person to vote for alternative candidates together so that one person's non-Democrat vote cancels out the other's non-Republican vote. I think uninformed party-line voting has led to too many of the problems in the U.S. today, and it's time people started thinking outside the box a bit.

Thanks for reading, and have a happy Election Day.