Excuses for not voting in an election


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
There was a local election on in my local area (surprisingly!) recently, which I didn't know about until after the event. They sent me a $50 fine for not voting, which I have to pay unless I had a valid excuse.

So......has anyone got out of such a fine before by providing a valid excuse? If so, what was it?! I had this happen to me in 2000 as well....bastards....I said that I had no idea the election was on....hmmm they didn't consider that to be a valid one.

Ideas, people??!!
They might ask for plane tickets or your passport, though. Maybe. And they'll say you should have done a postal vote, I'm sure. Perhaps.

Technically I shouldn't even be on the electoral thingy because I'm not an Australian citizen (come on people, I've only lived here for 26 years!! Give me time!!) and now I'm afraid to become an Australian citizen because when you do they give you an electoral role form to fill out, and what do I say then - "Oh, sorry, I'm already enrolled?" or do I say, "Thanks bud, I'll do that later"? I'm sure I'm breaking the law but I'm too much of a wuss to find out. And I'd love to become an Australian citizen so I can finally ditch this connection I have with lousy Kiwi sporting teams! :)
My Dad's been here since 1965, and he's not an Australian citizen. He's legally entitled to vote, so always has done.
Hmm, maybe I'm allowed to vote after all... perhaps some research is required. :)

I think it's excellent that voting is compulsory in Australia. It's very important.
Winnie, where's yer da from? If he was on a British Commonwealth electoral roll before 1984 then he retains full voting privileges.

Nothing about Kiwis who've lived here all their lives, though. Might call them up and ask them what's the go. Maybe they'll turn a blind eye to my case.
I didn't vote in the state election last year when I was overseas.

Spiffo, my Dad's from England. He moved here when he was 12, so never voted in the UK. I dunno how that affects things!
If I'm overseas and they want me to vote (not that they will anymore, of course), they should be obliged to hunt me down and tell me personally there's an election on!

I got one of those letters once - don't think I ever did anything other than ignore it :)
really? i'm pretty sure my brother and father used the excuse that they didn't know about it? ill ask em tomorow.

seriously, how the fuck are you supposed to vote if it isnt advertised anywhere and you dont know about it!
They'll be after you with sniffer dogs, Mark!!

Too right, paddy. It's bloody ridiculous. The only way you can find about it is to read the shitty local rags. I'm too busy to read much of The Age, so why would I want to read a paper full of stories about cats stuck up trees???!!!

It'd be cool if you could find out what excuse they used!