Some info on the new RUSH album


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
According to Rush fansite, the band's new studio album is done. Producer Nick Raskulinecz is quoted as stating: "I think we made their best record in 15 years", adding that the upcoming release will have "the sound and vibe of an old Rush record - i.e one of the gloriously overwrought sci-fi prog-metal epics he grew up with, albums like 2121 and Hemispheres and Permanent Waves."

Calm down people... I am gonna believe it when I hear it. But just think... If this is true...

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

NP: Necrophagist - Onset Of Putrefaction
Calm down people... I am gonna believe it when I hear it. But just think... If this is true...

Same here, "Vapour Trails" was horrible IMO, I bought it play it like 5 times and trade it. Last decent album from Rush was "Test For Echo", but I'm aching for some 70's vibe indeed
According to Rush fansite, the band's new studio album is done. Producer Nick Raskulinecz is quoted as stating: "I think we made their best record in 15 years", adding that the upcoming release will have "the sound and vibe of an old Rush record - i.e one of the gloriously overwrought sci-fi prog-metal epics he grew up with, albums like 2112 and Hemispheres and Permanent Waves."

How is it that both times I've seen this story the "2112" is "2121"? Does that indicate it's a spoof? Or is it just a typo? Wellll, other than the fact you prolly got the story in the same place as the other one I saw, eh? :)
Same here, "Vapour Trails" was horrible IMO, I bought it play it like 5 times and trade it. Last decent album from Rush was "Test For Echo", but I'm aching for some 70's vibe indeed

Five times?! That's unheard of! You helped buy Peart his new Truimph or BMW bike!!!! I wouldn't even say that Test was all that either! Rush should just make DVDs that's their strong point these days...
Ok here is a really cool interview with Alex Lifeson:

To go to the interview click in the right side of the web side were it say's 'rock interviews'.

Then click on the Alex Lifeson interview to hear big Al talk about the new album and some surprises. :)
Then click on the Alex Lifeson interview to hear big Al talk about the new album and some surprises. :)

Excuse my skepticism, let's wait for the final product and then we talk (I hope we have a lot positive to talk then ;))

NP: Riot - 'Knock At My Door'
Ok here is a really cool interview with Alex Lifeson:

To go to the interview click in the right side of the web side were it say's 'rock interviews'.

Then click on the Alex Lifeson interview to hear big Al talk about the new album and some surprises. :)

Excuse my skepticism, let's wait for the final product and then we talk (I hope we have a lot positive to talk then ;))

NP: Riot - 'Knock At My Door'

Wyvern were did I say that I was optimistic? Like I said in the first post:

"I am gonna believe it when I hear it."

That does not mean however that I can enjoy an interview. :)
Wyvern were did I say that I was optimistic?

Never said you were I'm skeptic about Lifeson saying, regardless if you (or I) enjoy or not the interview.

Sometimes being telegraphic at a forum causes misundertandings, I wish it'll be telepathic posting I'm soooo lazy :D

NP: Creozoth - 'Minute U Die'
Hawk said:
Wyvern were did I say that I was optimistic?

Wyvern said:
Never said you were I'm skeptic about Lifeson saying, regardless if you (or I) enjoy or not the interview.

Sometimes being telegraphic at a forum causes misundertandings, I wish it'll be telepathic posting I'm soooo lazy :D

NP: Creozoth - 'Minute U Die'

I know the problem buddy. :)

And don't worry I know the tricks of the promo machine. I just hope an artists of the integrity level of Alex Lifeson has not fallen for it.

I guess we'll know soon enough.