Some kind of Metal


New Metal Member
May 8, 2010
Hello everybody. I've been checking looking at these forums for a while and figure this is probably the best place to get some advice/feedback, so here's my first post. First I would like to give a whole bunch of respect to Catharsis, Dimi, and one other person who's member name I keep forgetting. It starts with an A though, I think. Anyways...
I know very little about Guitar Tone, Drum Sounds, Mixing, Compression, EQ, and all that. I use to have a POD X3 and Superior Drummer which was great to work with cause everything was already setup properly. Recently I crossed over the the Impulse world. Now I'm using a M-Audio FastTrack Pro as a I/O with Catharsis impulses, and Addictive Drums with one of Dimi's presets. flower.mp3

The guitars have a mega loud fuzzy noise that I cannot get rid of. I tried turning a bunch of nobs but I have no idea what I'm doing. Any suggestions? :D