Need some input on this tone


Armchair Expert
Feb 25, 2010
Hi all! I recently found the joys of Impluses and free amp sims and now my POD Farm software is collecting digital dust.

I wanted to ask for some constructive input as far as this tone is concerned.


I'm trying to shoot for a "clean" distortion a la TBDM's Nocturnal album or a slightly more edgy In Flames tone where all notes are discernable but retain some balls.

Heres the setup:

Schecter C1-artist using a duncan JB in bridge into a line 6 toneport UX1 out to Roland DM-20 monitors.

In Reaper:

Guitar panned right has - Nick Crows 8505- keFIR loaded with brohyms orange_2 cab impulse- BBE sonic maximizer plugin

Guitar panned left is the same except instead of the 8505 I have the Poulin le456 amp in line.

Any advice is appreciated!
if you are using POD farm maybe you are EQ'ing the tone way too much. plus the cab impulses doesn't seem to be of the best quality so.
also i'm hearing a lot of noise and hiss, be aware of that too when searching for a killer tone.