Some new stuff from me finally! (Marshall TSL?!?!?!)

Finally something new to show from me, been really busy working on a load of odds and ends and only just started working on something new this week.

This is a band I went to school with, they are pushing themselves quite hard right now to get their name out.

Don Broco - Take The Hill


This is a song I have been working on with them, the mix is very early, only really trying stuff out right now.

Currently the distorted guitars are 2 tracks of TSL60 and 2 tracks of 5150. I really dislike the TSL but I think this stuff needs a kind of dirty sound. The tubescreamer thing didn't work at all. I have a friend bringing his triple rectifier rig round tonight so I'll more than likely reamp at least 2 tracks through that.

What do you think so far guys?
I really dig it! Good job you did with catching the roughness of the song! Even in the Brit-Pop-Part :)
Guitars could be upfront a bit more and could be a tad darker for my taste!!
Wow. I think the sound matches the music absolutely perfectly. Very rough but in your face and it has a bit of a "We don't give a fuck" attitude. Amazing man. Love the vocals also.

Some nitpicking:
The guitars could come up a bit. I think the snare sounds a little buried at times also.
Jesus this music is horrible...

Mix wise, the (AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL) vocals I feel are too loud, and more importantly the guitars too low, so I can't really judge, but they sound good to me - also, I feel the kick has too much low mids and feels kinda "bloated," though the attack is good. And actually, the music isn't terrible now that the arpeggiated guitars are in with that singing over it, but I don't expect it to last, and man was that opening horrid...

Yup, breakdown just came back in! Terminating...
I think the guitars are a TAD quiet and they seem to need a bit more bite or something. Kick sounds like it's missing somethin. The clean guits are nice and I like the way the vocals fit. They sound pro.
I really dig this.
Guitars need more high end IMO, and kick sits nicely like someone said before but it needs a TAD more click imo.
Agree about the kick. I also think the cymbals are too loud, and the ones on the far left seem a bit 'out of the mix', too far panned, and the cymbal there is much too loud. I also agree that the guitars could be darker and louder. I ALSO agree that the music is terrible.. 5 seconds of this, 5 seconds of that and 'this' and 'that' are both terrible XD. Production does sound very professional though.
Here's a newer mix

Guitars are a bit louder now, took some brightness out of the cymbals. I intentionally had the cymbals loud over the kind of eerie sections, quite a lot of automation going on on this. I HP and LP'd the kick to take tame the sub lows a bit and to take a little click out. Hows it sounding now? I have had a really long day of tracking another band after finishing at 2 am last night so my ears are pretty fucked.

Also for those interested, I did a screencast of the mixer - nothing to interesting but shows how I tend to have things set up.

Marcus; about the vocalist - I actually think this is one of the better vocalists I have recorded, knew exactly what he wanted to do, was well planned, and had no trouble performing his vocals.