Some of you might consider this be in bad taste, but non-the-less:


Take The Kurt Cobain Quiz

1. Kurt Coain killed himself because?
a. He was a loser.
b. He had nothing better to do.
c. He thought the gun was a Q-Tip.

2. Some Cobain followers also killed themselves because?
a. They are losers.
b. They were playing follow the leader.
c. They also thought the gun was a Q-Tip.

3. Cobain fans dress like Kurt because?
a. He was a loser.
b. Stealing clothes from the Salvation Army bin is easy.
c. They have no thoughts of their own and need a leader.
d. They are practicing to be homeless bums.

4. Cobain fans like to call themselves Generation X because?
a. Kurt was a loser.
b. They can spell X
c. They are losers.

5. Cobain fans say Kurt spoke for them because?
a. While they watch, love and believe in Barney, they are not sure
if he is a real person.
b. They are losers.

6. Cobain knew that his fans thought he was cool because?
a. Kurt was a loser.
b. He didn't like to bath.
c. He was a poet. Even though they thought most poets were ****.

7. If you can understand everything Kurt is signing you?
a. Purchased a copy of the lyrics.
b. Are on some kind of drug and imagine you understand the lyrics.
c. Kurt was a loser. (I know it doesn't go with the question but
it is still a good answer.)

8. Kurt and his followers.
a. Are losers.
b. all of the above

9. Kurt's last words were?
a. What happens if I pull this trigger?
b. I am a loser.
c. OUCH!!!!!!

10. Ms. Cocaine-Love(r) is?
a. A loser.
b. A widow.
c. An unfit mother.
d. Butt ugly.
e. A future lesbo.
f. A lousy singer.
g. All of the above.

11. Twenty years from now in a listing of great groups/singers Nirvana
will be listed between __________________ and _______________?
a. ABBA and the Bay City Rollers.
b. Ann Murray and Neil Diamond.
a. All they will remember is that Kurt was a loser.

12. Kurt and Courtney used (in Courtney's case "uses") drugs because?
a. They are both losers.
b. They wanted to be a good role model for their child.
c. They were upset that Mork from Ork was not a real person.

13. In 15 years Kurt and Courtney's child will claim?
a. Kurt was a loser.
b. She was abandoned at birth.
c. Never heard of Nirvana.
d. Kurt was a loser.
e. Both a and d.

14. A tree falls in the forest, no one is around............
a. It does not make a noise
b. It makes a noise
c. Kurt was a loser.

15. Nirvana fans get upset at everyone who makes TASTELESS fun of their god Kurt because?
a. Kurt was a loser.
b. They are losers.
c. They don't understand the meaning of TASTELESS. They have no problem with gay, ethnic or even Susan Smith jokes. But make fun of poor, misunderstood Kurt and you get flamed. Well the moral of this
quiz is KURT IS A LOSER.

This was a self grading test. Extra points if you did/or are planning to post Kurt essays.
The lead singer/guitarist/loser of Nirvana who shot himself in the head in April of (I think it was) 1994 because I remember I was 15 at the time and all my friends were so distraught I had to slap a few of them. Those same friends made me listen to the (yearly) Nirvanathon that our radio station did while I was tripping out and I swore for weeks that I had heard "All Apologies" 860 million times (apparently I counted) because it was on a commercial for the Nirvanathon and I counted it as the whole song. And of course we've had to hear all about the custody thing between his crack whore and his mother and also the royalties thing between his crack whore and his ex bandmates. I wish I had never heard of him...
Yeah, his 8th anniversary is up soon. I think he killed himself on the 8th or 9th of April 1994. I do so 'cos it was my girlfriends birthday at the time. I just can't remember when she had it. Long time ago. At the time people spoke of him in the same sentences as Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix, but time has made people more reasonable. Nirvana made a huge impact on the musicscene though, you can't take that away. But just Like Pantera or Limp Bizkit that doesn't necessarily mean a good thing.

Actually, I think I remember he died on the 4th or 5th but they found him on the 8th or 9th. I thought it was a little hokey that the electrician who found him called the radio station before the cops, but nothing surprises me anymore. I never got the comparisons either. I don't consider anyone "legendary" when the reason they're dead is suicide, but maybe it's just me.
Amen to that.

When he killed himself, everyone was soooo distraught and thought it was such a tragedy and all I could think about was his daughter, Francis. That's what the real tragedy is. Can you imagine having a beautiful daughter like that and all you can think about is killing yourself? What a selfish little prick. I used to actually like Nirvana, but from that point on, everything he had to say was meaningless to me.

Foo kicks ass. Dave Grohl is a real family man.

I remember seeing Anthrax a few days after Kurt bit the bullet. John gave the crowd a motivational speech "whatever hump you got, you'll get over it, it ain't worth saying 'boom,' 'adios', 'c-ya'" Then they played "Potters Field," a song about crack babies!
I was thinking about his daughter too.

Think about it, if you reproduced with THAT, would you really leave that child all alone in this world with it?? I'd stick around JUST for the kid, even if nothing else was going for me. I was always hoping that Kurt's mom would get her.

That's pretty funny, TD.
Yeah Louse, I DEFINITELY would have peed myself if I heard that. But I had to listen to all my friends going on and on about it, oh the music world will never be the same, he "understood" them and now he's gone, blah blah blah. Understood what?? How to take your money? Yeah, he got that all right. I felt bad more for his daughter and also Dave and Kris, because they were just going along with their band and that happened and they kind of stood around with their thumbs up their asses for a while before they figured out what to do next. But all the girls bawling their heads off made me sick. They were pissed at me cause I agreed with the guys, who kept playing "Come as You Are" and saying "I don't have a gun??? I think he lied." :lol: I got punched every time I laughed. :mad:
I just remember when Nirvana blew up, all of the sudden every nerd in my school was ripping thier jeans and pulling out their dads flannels, and they stopped combing thier hair. It was the "complete MTV how to be a rebel kit." And of course they had an excuse to be pissed, they were nerds LOL. Of course, they were still nerds in everyones books, just now they were dirty nerds.
Mmmm, yeah. We had them too. We called them "Gap grungers" and they thought that meant that we accepted them...There was this one girl that I knew was just like that, and she sat in my seat in math class during a different period, so I wrote "I HATE MYSELF AND WANT TO DIE" on my desk to see what she'd write back, and she took up the whole entire desk lecturing me on getting counseling and not to end my life and I wrote back "Hey, I was just singing, that's a NIRVANA song, Miss #1 Fan" (as Beavis and Butthead were HUGE at the time). She talked a lot of shit, but never tried anything, as I had too many friends that were a lot bigger than her. I think she was afraid I was going to "out" her for the poser that she was. BTW, she was also dating that kid Kenny that my English teacher yelled at for me (that was a fucking SMALL town). :lol:
You can love or hate Nirvana for many reasons, but for me, I hate them because they killed metal and replaced it with the "alternative" craze. Metallica knew they couldn't beat them, so they joined them, while other groups like Anthrax suffered for not selling out to get radio play.

I think Brian Johnson said it best when asked if AC/DC was going to change and play alternative music: "Alternative used to mean you played music that nobody else played. We're the only ones that play rock'n'roll anymore, so I guess that makes us alternative."
Always did despise them. Although I thank them for eliminating the Warrants, Bulletboys, and Poisons of the world. However it also made it hard to be a "metal" band anymore.

When Kurt did the world a favor, I was out of town working and hadn't heard about it. I came in on a Friday night and proceeded to my favorite watering hole. My buddy (who also despised Nirvana) was already there. When he seen me walk in a crazed grin broke out on his face, and he says, "Well he did it!"
I'm like, "He did it? Who? What?"
Then he explained about Kurt and we had a toast to him toasting himself.
Suicide is dumb. But that guy was so idiotic, I just felt that the gross national IQ went up about 40 points when he ended it all.

Oh well, it left us with the Foo Fighters who are a GREAT band.
Nirvana killed metal? Metallica joined them? Don´t get me started. Every time I hear this shit I have to laugh. This is just the times changing. Do you think Beatles killed rock´n´roll, Led Zeppelin killed Beatles and Metallica killed Black Sabbath? And hell, heavy metal feels much more comfortable in the underground! The style began to be really silly in the eighties, when it was on the top. How come no one is bitching that Anthrax wrote some aliceinchainslike songs in 1993? (Only has a grungy vibe, Nothing and Harms Way as well) They don´t write thrash riffs anymore, don´t wear nails and bulletbelts and I am happy with that, because we don´t live in 1985!
And just to add my humble opinion... Foo Fighters suck and Dave Grohl should get back to the drums. He´s way better drummer than guitarist.