Some off-beat prog metal for you - Forces at Work


Jan 10, 2002
Madison, WI
Forces at Work - Straight (2012)

I have not listened to it yet, but I am hoping for greatness!

My blurb for their previous release:

Forces at Work - Reverse Feng-Shui Audio Guide EP

This is a rather refreshing and exciting 2006 release. Their music is hard to describe as it is it somewhat novel and quite eclectic in its mix of styles. My standard crazy band comparisons of Thought Industry and Spooge come into play here along with perhaps some Sieges Even circa Sophisticated, but really you just need to hear these guys for yourself The vocals are all over the map, from melodic clean (but still quirky) to gruff thrash vocalizing to growling. Forces at Work is a very promising band, and I look forward to hearing the insanity they will come up with next. I still need to listen to their older material to see if it measures up to the greatness of this EP.
You had me at off beat prog metal. Its basically as you say except I'd say everything is all over the map. its like: "Oh, dream theater" then "Oh a little Soilwork" and then some core .. wait what? I'd be up for a return listen :)