Some Old Guy Music..

Well I don't really know, I didn't feel it like this with the other mixes but the more modern vibe reminded me of it, I think the vocal line in the beginning and the way the instruments enter the song is what made me think of it...
I don't know really ah ah
Why not man, hope you enjoyed it anyway !

EDIT : I hear clipping at some points, mainly on toms hits/fills.
I want to change a few things mixe wise too, so I'll post an updated version soon ;)
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Hi Mark,
Thanks a lot for these raws, this song is just amazing.
Here is my 1st mix : SCHUSTER Someone Save My Soul MIX1.mp3

Tried a realtively modern approach for the whole mix.
I also took some freedom with MIDI drums, hope you don't mind ?
Any feedback is welcome !

thanks man! cool mix, although guitars were a little too mid-rangy for my taste - maybe a touch to loud. good bass tone! like what you did with the drums!
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your feedback.
Yeah, spend a lot of time on drum programming/arranging, glad you like it !

Will try to fix the guitars ; are you talking about rythm guitars only or all guitars tracks ?
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your feedback.
Yeah, spend a lot of time on drum programming/arranging, glad you like it !

Will try to fix the guitars ; are you talking about rythm guitars only or all guitars tracks ?

rhythms, but just my opinion.. if you dig em', keep em'
Was about to do a revision ; don't have the time to reamp the whole thing but I'll see if I can do something with levels and processing ;)
Hopefully for tomorrow !
my imagination or is the tempo slower in this one? lol.. huh... maybe me.. dig the bass tone, but seems a bit hot. i'm a "whole" kit kind of guy too, i can clearly hear the kick/snare - but lost the hat which imho is just as important. i know the approach to the kit in general varies between genres, but i'm a child of the 80s.. so big HATS were the thing back then... lol. think Tommy Lee!

dig the guitar tones! very heavy!
The tempo is the same so I believe it's your imagination :D
My master is at 48 Khz though, so maybe there's an issue during playback ?

Actually, listening again, this V2 is very close sounding to the V1... even though I did change a lot of things !
Kinda happy that you dig the guitar tone better now, that was my main goal.
It helped to bring the rythm back a little bit, and adjust a bit their EQ / mids cut.

You're right about the bass, I'll bring it a tad back in volume.
Will do a final revision with more present/upfront hats (totally get what you mean with the Mötley Crüe reference), maybe more room mics will help also !

Really cool song, do you have an actual band where you sing / play guitar ?
Had a good Mötley Crüe fix and then re-worked on the overall balance.
You were so right about the "lack of hats" man !

Here is a V3 with more radical changes : SCHUSTER Someone Save My Soul MIX3.mp3

Also did a slightly quieter/less squashed master ; I think it breathe better now, even though it sounds a bit less loud.

imo they can still come up - in fact, OHs in general. from here i'm predominantly hearing snare/kick only. try messing with your OHs/AMB mics and bringing them up and see how it sounds. try first bringing them up with the kit solo'd - find a good balance of ALL kit pieces. imagine yourself in a studio with just a drummer playing. does is sound natural like you're really sitting there listening to a drummer playing? if so - you're probably close - then un-solo them and listen with the band and fine tune.

only other thing that occurred to me is the bass still seems a tad heavy in the mix. try messing with lightening that up a little and see if the mix breathes a little more. overly heavy low-end like that sucks the life outta a mix.

everything else sounds killer!
Thanks for uploading.
I had a lot of fun with this.
Used Marshall 6100 head into rectifier cab for the guitars.
BTW, your Behringer mic sound terrible. Really harsh high mids. I think an SM57 would work great for your vocals.
Thanks for uploading.
I had a lot of fun with this.
Used Marshall 6100 head into rectifier cab for the guitars.
BTW, your Behringer mic sound terrible. Really harsh high mids. I think an SM57 would work great for your vocals.

Rockin'!! Love that Marshall.. as for the Behringer... yea - no Neumann - but not bad for $45! i've tried the SM57 and just personally like a condenser more.. maybe i'll give the ole' 57 another go on this next tune i'm working on. Thanks man!
@KyrtVampir: Dude - sorry i missed your post... Just discovered it tonight. Diggin' the mix. Esp the bass.. It almost sounds like a synth, but i'm gonna guess it's just really over driven? either way - it sounds cool! Great job!

@AndyBelyash: Great effort man! On my monitors the mix sounds a little narrow and a little wooly, but the balance is pretty good. I always dip a little around 300hz (approx, depending on the mix) on my master to get rid of some of that wool. Seems to always work!
@AndyBelyash: Great effort man! On my monitors the mix sounds a little narrow and a little wooly, but the balance is pretty good. I always dip a little around 300hz (approx, depending on the mix) on my master to get rid of some of that wool. Seems to always work!

I was mixing it with Redline Monitor emulation, so I don't know how it would sounds on real monitors. It's mix sounds a little narrow, because I increased mid-side gain on rhythm guitar and clean guitar tracks, to the mix sounded good in mono. I think my mix was sounds little wooly, because rhythm guitars have a lot of lows like on Primal Fear last album, kick have sharp cutoff ultra-low frequencies for big lows sounding like modern electronic music (and because this kick is acoustic sample form SD 2.0, it gets unusual sound), and snare have very big lows. Now i mix Propaganda Force Feed song, and it sounds less wooly then it.