Some prog rock I recorded the other day


Aug 12, 2003
Some of you guys might remember songs I've posted here in the past under the sn "Death's Acre" in collaboration with another forum member. Some of you requested new tunes from the two of us, but it's been a long time since we've talked and we're both fairly pre-occupied with busy schedules/lives at the moment. Last I checked, Tim's mic was broken -- it might be a long time before we collaborate again.

Anyway, it's a personal dream of mine to have Dan engineer an album for me and he's been a huge influence. I'm gonna give it a go once I'm done with grad school and earning a decent living. I don't know how I feel about posting music on his forum, except that it'd be awesome if he listened to it. Nonetheless, ya'll have good taste so it'd be cool if I could get some feedback from like-minded people.

The track is called "I'll wait for you." Still needs bass and possibly vohiculars, but the meat of it is there. Thanks for listening!

Well, with the exception of the new one and the hilarious rap metal track I agree- they need structure. Mostly stuff I've done in like 3-4 hour time periods when I'm not working. I wish it was easier to get in contact with Tim. Maybe I'll fire off an email and see if he's interested in singing over this new one. God knows, my voice isn't even in the same league as his.