Some questions regarding my Toneport UX1 and my 5150


Nov 15, 2007
I have a Line 6 Toneport UX1 and a 5153 50w along with a HB 2x12.

  • Is it possible to send DI tracks from the UX1 into the amp without damaging anything? Thinking about load and impendance and all this fancy jazz. Re-amping. I also heard some talk about signal loss when doing this. I tried using the analog outs, but I had to crank the volume knob for it to sound any good. Just wondering if this is safe and if i'm doing it right/if it's possible, didn't want to use the headphone output.
  • Is it possible to somehow use the Toneport in the effects loop of the amp? How would I go about doing this? And is it safe? :lol:

I'd appreciate all information and insight I can get on this :)

(Yes, I searched for it but couldn't find much)
Yes you can do it safely. Most likely will be muffled sounding though.

Awesome. Yeah I heard that. How about using it as an effects loop then, do you happen to know anything about that? I reckon i'll plug the FX send into the instrument input and then go from analog out back into FX return.
Tried to re-amp the KSE DI's and did a tiny bit of EQ'ing on guitars (HP/LP + a little mid cut) and some limiting on master. Red channel.

Doesn't sound too bad :)

Edit: amp settings (volume was about bedroom level and a bit higher)
