Some rare Ulver CD's on eBay

Only 2000 or 3000 were made. Can't remember which one at the moment. So I think not. Plus it's out of print.
Russell said:
3000 :) And it's not very hard to get your hands on here, it's still being sold in several shops in my area and on the net.. Teachings In Silence and Silence Teaches You How To Sing are the two that are no longer stocked by most shops :)

Just consider yourselves damn lucky you can find any Ulver cds at all :P

I've to date found A) One copy of silencing the singing for 30 bucks.

And B) One copy of kledsanger (I carn't spell, I just got up) That was actually just the jewel case with a copy of Nattens in it for 20 bucks second hand :P (Freaking rocking horse records:(:(:(

PS. If anyone knows where I can buy ulver stuff in oz, drop me a PM


Alas :P The problem with both those websites is that they are sadly not in Oz :P

I don't own a credit card, so I cannot order overseas ;(

If anyone knows somewhere in Australia where I can buy ulver stuff, I'd be eternally greatful
Cthulhu said:
Alas :P The problem with both those websites is that they are sadly not in Oz :P

I don't own a credit card, so I cannot order overseas ;(

If anyone knows somewhere in Australia where I can buy ulver stuff, I'd be eternally greatful

Your answer lie within your reply: get a fucking credit card.
The End also takes money orders and ships internationally. But yes, credit cards are imperitive to online shopping.