Some retro 80s metal for those interested

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey gang, I've finally got around to putting this up on my site:

2 songs from Canadian retro-headbangers, Betrayer.

We did these songs last fall, and mastered in February at Lacquer Channel with Mr. Phil Demetro.

This is what I'd call my most "honest" recording in a long time. No sound replacement, crazy editing, or auto tune! We just tracked & tracked until the band got it right.

There's also a review in this month's Recording magazine for those who'd like to check that out.

Anyway, here's the links. Enjoy!

Shadowed Force - 03 - Shadowed Force.mp3

Partaker of Evil - 01 - Partaker of Evil.mp3

Band's website:
You've gotten an absolutely slamming bass sound, but it's too loud in the mix IMO. Overall I think this stuff sounds excellent. It's too easy to forget, in all this tech-talk of sound replacement, editing, and other modern techniques, that ultimately we are producing art, and that there's no "right" or "wrong" way to do things. I love a lot of records from the 80s, and the production here is appropriate for the style.
Sounds good. Remembers me a little bit on Overkill.
I like the bass sound...they are right, its a little bit too loud. But only a little bit!
I ike metal productions where you hear the bass as an instrument and not only some low frequencies.
ThomasT said:
Sounds good. Remembers me a little bit on Overkill.
I like the bass sound...they are right, its a little bit too loud. But only a little bit!
I ike metal productions where you hear the bass as an instrument and not only some low frequencies.

Dude, that's exactly what I was thinking....Overkill!!!!!! The bass is very reminiscent of WFO. Loud. Diggin' it.

Hell, I like this shit a lot.
Reminds me of.... HELSTAR!

When that solo comes in, did you run some pretty gnarly high cut on it? I dont hear any amp raspiness... sounds "rockman'd" out a bit... good solos...

and yes.. that bass is crazy clear.
Thanks for the kind words, gentlemen!

Yeah, the bass is kinda loud.... turned up despite me protesting, I might add. We were trying for that "Steve Harris" type of presence, and the band just wanted it louder & louder. Oh well, you can hit musicians over the head with a brick and they still won't get it.

As for the solo, I'm not sure in particular which one you're talking about, but yeah, some of 'em got a hi cut. All the guitar tracks were done on my Rectifier, tho.

Thanks again,