Some riff I recorded...


New Metal Member
I just started getting into computer recording. Right now I have a pretty crappy setup - just an HP laptop, SoundBlaster Extigy, and Logitech computer speakers.

Let me know what you think about the sound, mixing, and the playing in general.


Incomplete song:

Incomplete song with bass and high eq boost applied:

Track 1 (Stereo) = Drums / Boss DR-770
Track 2 = Rhythm 1 / panned hard left / Boss GT-3
Track 3 = Rhythm 2 / panned hard right / Boss GT-3
Track 4 = Lead / center / Boss GT-3

Thanks for listening.
Dude, that was pretty damn sweet, you kept timing like a bitch and there were some really nice licks.

However when it goes into the chorus? it sounds really bland and unoriginal... and maybe tweaking the tone would better it a little. I have a GT-3 aswell, and they're easy to tweak ;)

Apart from that, bang up job!