Some Stinnett Love! My S6

I know, I just don't have that kind of money to put on a guitar right now...
I've been checking these guitars since I came across them on this forum, but I'd have to sell both my ESP and my Jackson to afford one, and I really don't see myself doing that :lol:
I do dig their C2 and M headstock a bit more, tho.

EDIT: well, looking at their list price once again, I take back what I've said, they're not that expensive...I dropped more money for my Jackson RR than any of their standard model's price
Looks yummy :p What I would like is a stinnett version of a Satriani 24 fret (the small fretboard width is what I'm after really- 42mm at the nut/20mm neck thickness 1st fret & 250mm radius). I bet it would slay the Ibanez!