some strange drivers pb, help ?


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

Until yesterday, my profire 2626 had been working perfectly.
Today, I hear no sound from my HP. I go to the Maudio Control Panel, and it says it cannot detect a profire. I turn it off and on, I try another firewire cable, I check my firewire PCIe card and it works (with a firewire external hard disk). There is power, the light is on, when i turn it on it makes the good windows sound.

It took me a little to figure out why : the drivers in the device manager seem to appear not working. I downloaded the last ones, which are the exact same I had. I install them : nothing changes. I remove, uninstall the profire from the device manager, then plug it on again, windows detects it, tries to install a driver which fails (normal), and then i'm in the same situation. I don't know what to do, it is detected as "profire 2626" but drivers are "unknown" and undetected, so it's like when you plug it the first time I guess, and the driver install won't work.

Any idea ?
OK i solved this problem...

I recently had updated the drivers on my whole computer. Including the firewire card.

On the device manager, I saw the profire was indicated as mounted on "unibrain/xxx" pciE, xxx being a name I just forgot.

I went to the device, opened it, tried to update it, it was up to date. I clicked on "restore previous driver". And then, magically, my profire 2626 was moved to the audio device list, and W7 instantly started the installation process, finding the driver, I heard a miraculous "pop" and then I could hear it working.

So, my advice : stay away from unibrain firewire PCIe interfaces, and don't update your drivers for no reason.

I did have a good reason to do so, I had BSOD all the time at random moments, that's why I updated my drivers. But otherwise, just don't do it. And if something is wrong, try coming back to your old interface driver, and if there are none, or if it doesn't exist anymore, don't forget the driver of the part of the computer that is interfaced between your device and the system, like my firewire interface.