Some very cool new movie trailers/teasers

i think the average date of the movies in my Netshitz queueureue is like 1974. :loco:

i'll go see Pirates though. great stupid fun with Johnny Depp sexy as ever!
awesome Michael Mann directing Miami Vice ... he was the one that originally directed the pilot episode if I am not mistaken.

although Collin Farrel ... hate that dude ... and this movie looks a little more serious than the series.

can't go wrong with Mann at the helm though :kickass:

This should come as no surprise to anyone here, but I welcome remakes. Instead of saying "Hollywood has run out of ideas, blah, blah" (semi-true, but really, who cares?), there are some GREAT movies that deserve better effects and/or an updated story.

Poseidon Adventure is just such a flick IMO.
better effects = CGI = BULLSHIT

okay no i'm not a hardliner when it comes to that. and remakes are fine, because they make me finally get around to watching the original instead. :loco:
Plzdatemekthx said:
i use a sockPuppet actually, for fear of copyright infringement.

Sounds like you need one of these:


so i'm pro-dildo right, chicks need to take care of business too and an external object is generally preferred. but i dunno, if i ever reached the point where i had to buy a jerktoy for myself, that's like Instant Section 8.