somebody please explain this (nevermore content)


Jul 27, 2005
since it was released, i've been listening to this godless endeavor a lot. aside from the kicka$$ music, i'm a HUGE fan of the guitar sound. i think it's insanely heavy, very tight, mid-rich and especially smooth.
now, this is not going to be a "how to get this sound" thread.
the deal is, when there's only the guitar playing (for example in the title track at 2:24), i'm always amazed how...well, harsh the guitar sounds. but once the whole band kicks in, it's back to smooth mode.

what is the reason for this? i suspect that the other instruments block out certain frequencies in the guitar sound, so the highs sound smoother rather than harsh and unpleasant, but i'd like to hear your opinions.

this has quite some consequences. for example, when dialing in a guitar sound, it's difficult to get a sound as smooth yet heavy as TGE, and if something similar is achieved, this very sound tends to get lost in the mix. however, the raw (well thats a better term to describe what i'm hearing at 2:24) sounds tend to cut very well, but don't sound the way i like it.
maybe anyone does know the physics behind this issue?

thanks in advance
Im going to take a stab here.........Andys C4 multiband setting? seems like a good guess right? According to folklore this setting alone can turn coal into diamonds.
Fragle said:
since it was released, i've been listening to this godless endeavor a lot. aside from the kicka$$ music, i'm a HUGE fan of the guitar sound. i think it's insanely heavy, very tight, mid-rich and especially smooth.
now, this is not going to be a "how to get this sound" thread.
the deal is, when there's only the guitar playing (for example in the title track at 2:24), i'm always amazed how...well, harsh the guitar sounds. but once the whole band kicks in, it's back to smooth mode.

what is the reason for this? i suspect that the other instruments block out certain frequencies in the guitar sound, so the highs sound smoother rather than harsh and unpleasant, but i'd like to hear your opinions.

this has quite some consequences. for example, when dialing in a guitar sound, it's difficult to get a sound as smooth yet heavy as TGE, and if something similar is achieved, this very sound tends to get lost in the mix. however, the raw (well thats a better term to describe what i'm hearing at 2:24) sounds tend to cut very well, but don't sound the way i like it.
maybe anyone does know the physics behind this issue?

thanks in advance

Heh... the power of EDITING.
An effect like this can be easily obtained playing an harsh single guitar riff with a harsh sound, when the whole band kicks in the sounds are different, smoother. They are two different sounds.

Don't take as a given that every song it's always a single take. Even great professionals do punch-ins.
Well, most guitar sounds that sound harsh on their own smooth right out in a band context. This is why amps like Marshalls or 5150IIs work so great in a mix.
that's a great question...

I've been listening to TGE for some time and I agree the guitars are fabulously thick and smooth.

I've heard the same thing... I'll give that spot a listen.

What always amazes me is how smooth with presence they seem. This is a real challenge for me.

Also another challenge is thick that leaves room for everything else.
