How do you choose the right guitar sound?

I reamp a quatracked riff through all my amps with pretty standard settings.
then I listen (blind) to the first set of guits which will be my main guitars....pick the one I like the best and then listen to that combined with all the possibilities for the 3rd+4th track.
that way I find the combination of amps I wanna use. (just picking by the character of the amp since I haven't tweaked the knobs by then).
after that I do the amp tweaking and reamp all the tracks/songs

Lasse, just curious... Which of your amps most commonly get chosen?
Well 6 months ago I had never recorded me personally a guitar and I had this project with tons of keyboards and vocals and I had no clue what type of guitar I was going after. So I decided to do everything in DI and ftw. And today I can almost confidently say I know what in the guitar I want because of this DI experience.
Who, me? Well, I only have one amp so it's not too hard to pick a tone I like! :lol: And I usually keep it around the same settings, I've never really believed an amp can have more than one good sound (unless it's a multi-channel amp and the channels are SERIOUSLY different from each other)

Actually, for a punk rock band I recorded a while back, I found that the green crunch channel on my 6505+ (pre on 10) worked much better for their sound than the red lead channel (pre on 5). I wouldn't say it was a huge difference in sound, it still has THAT sound, but some slightly different tonal characteristics.