someone kicked over a half frozen cup of pee this a.m.


Aug 2, 2002
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on the stairs going down to the subway on west 23rd street. luckily i was UP the stairs from said cup of pee, but a few unfortunate individuals got half frozen pee on them

nyc grosses me out pretty bad sometimes.
awesome! i'm drove into work, so I didn't have to step over the bums and rivers of urine outside my work today.

I almost stepped in fresh dog pee on the floor this morning, but managed to barely avoid it.
the thing is, this isnt the first time i've seen cups of pee lying around the city, in dangerous places (ie, where they could spill on people or pets and stuff) and like, what do you do? leave it? touch it? move it? call the cops?
I found out recently that my roommate who lives in the attic keeps a pee bottle (a big Gatorade bottle) in his room so he doesn't have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He tried to tell us he "sterilizes it with alcohol periodically" so it sounded less gross, but I don't believe him for a second.

Also, keep in mind that this dude is very clumsy, so I'm positive there have been multiple pee spills.
now every time she hears the mike watt song "piss bottle man" she'll envision my roommate stumbling, in slow motion, into a giant bottle of FIERCE RED GATORADE full of not red but golden liquid....
the grossness is compounded by my recollection of my last roommate peeing in a soda bottle out of desperation because i was in the shower too long, and then showing me.
well, the thing is, he actually said he was going to pee in the sink but then remembered we didnt have any bleach left for him to clean it out with. he was at least a little considerate to my suppressed immune system at the time due to chemotherapy.

but he showed me the pee anyway.
my dad is a stone mason. every dude in my family has been one: grandfathers, great grandfathers. he said they all used to pee on their hands because they said it made their hands not hurt from the cuts they'd get from picking up so many stones and bricks.


anyway, i guess a girl would probably hang her butt over the kitchen sink or something if she really had to go. or just do the pee dance.