Someone rip the nutsack out of my EARS!!!


The Influenced
Jan 10, 2007
I've just listened to a track on this forum that someone wants to get us to all master it.
And it sounds fucking amazing.

I just cannot get my mixes to sound anything like and ive been hard at this now for years.

I must be deaf or something cos I am getting knowhere. Thing is I have a rant like this and someone tells me I should be cutting rather than boosting or that my monitoring is wrong I should hang it out a window.

I thought there was a secret, i realised that I am just a fucking muppet cos i do not get where it comes from.
Umm...a bunch of individual elements that already sound pretty good, and then just the right amount of cutting, polishing, and tightening (via eq and compression, respectively) to get it all together? Not saying it's easy to do, but it's also not that complicated of a process I don't think, the trick is just knowing what to listen for
Maybe you have been looking in the wrong places for advice? From what I gather Splatt has been at this for several years, refining his sound, as well as that of his demos. A large part of that 'awesomeness' you're hearing is musical, and not production related. How do your starting points compare? It builds from the source up, and you cannot overstate the importance of good songwriting and arrangement in the final sound of a production.
Fair enough, someone pointed out my main issue i have been having, seems to be mistake after mistake, i wasnt mixing with the room sounds properly in the drum kit (ie wast using them enough)