Can someone help me with my drum sound?

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I am having trouble getting a fat drum sound. For starters, i cant get the toms to sound clean and full for the life of me. I also can get that crack that i want on the snare. I will upload my chain if you need me to.

I am using superior drummer 2.0 on the avatar kit. I wanna get slate, but I dont wanna get it just cause i think i need it, i need to learn to work with drums.
I dunno man theres nothin that jumps out at me straight away. Have you got compression on the snare?
Tbh I'd just try a different snare... If theres compression on it then try adjusting the attack to let more of the initial transient through.
Tbh I'd just try a different snare... If theres compression on it then try adjusting the attack to let more of the initial transient through.

ok thanks. I messed around a bit more and i have a sound i like alot more now.

One more question and then just the thread die, when you guys compress your toms, do you compress the tom bus or to you do them individualy?
I divide it into "big toms" and "little toms" I.e. floor and rack. And then use a bus for the rack and like a stereo compressor for the 2 floor toms. Dunno if this is "right" but thats how I do it because I always eq floor toms differently than rack so I figured same for compression settings.