Help me with HH sound please


Jan 12, 2009
Hi guys..can someone help me please to create a good HH sound??i always have problems with HH..can someone share kit used and some post processing to apply on the hh to have a good sound please??with superior 2.0,or dfhs or SSD..:notworthy

P.S.sorry for my bad english.. :(
thank you to everyone..
Ok, I'm sorry.. I'm usually quite nice to people here but this is just ridiculous.

Every thread or post by you is asking for presets. Except for one thread, which you posted a half-decent mix in.. all raw Slate and preset'd POD patches, and then when people try to help you, you can't understand a word they say. I can understand English being your second language, but if you can't understand anything people are saying here, then why bother at all? And if you can.. then why do you only ever ask for presets?

what can i do to improve the clarity of the mix?eq in the master?

Quotes like this.. you obviously have next to zero understanding of what mixing is about. Stop asking for presets, it seriously pisses off everyone here. Go back to basics, learn to mix. If you have issues, post a fucking clip in the right section and ask how it can be improved. DON"T ask 'what kit do i use for good hh sound'.. the guys who know what they're doing will ignore you (I hope), or worse.

To summarise.. if you want to learn, cool, do it the right way. If you don't, and you just want presets, then kindly please fuck off.
Hey morgan,i understand what do you say..but you're wrong,i don't post only one mix,it's not important if they are decent..i posted them to receive improvments..and if you can see,a very small number of people help me to improve my mix!!!i stopped to ask presets,and i tried to make by myself some mixes,and then ask opinions,but not many people answered (and i always post in the right section i think!!12 mix in the right section,so what did you say??)...this time i ask preset because i saw all the threads in this forum in which a lot of people ask superior drummer or dfhs presets,and nobody criticezed them!yes,i ask a lot of preset and patch,but i never use these presets without working on them,i asked presets to learn starting from them,and if someone doesn't want share it,he's free to do what they want..but i understand what FUCK OFF mean,and so...congratulations ;) very good words! i never offended anybody..i hope that when i'll post my mix more people will give opinion..last post 300 views,2 only's not a problem,i understand..but i want to improve so i asked presets..but i'll try to dont ask presets anymore..

P.S. "what can i do to improve the clarity of the mix?eq in the master?"..this isn't beacuase i didn't understand,but because i ask to the only person that help me to improve the mix an you recommend to work on the master track or on the single instruments? infact,this person understood and gave me the advice..

btw i'm sorry if my posts annoied you or other peoples..
The reason no-one comments on your mixes is because all they are is a mashup of presets, and I think the one I saw had no bass guitar. So what are we meant to say?

As I said.. the people who know what they're doing are happy to help you, but won't give away presets. If you're searching for presets, all you're going to get is ones from second-rate engineers (for the most part.. there are exceptions), so you're really not going to progress much.

You're using Slate, which imo is far too good to start off with. I think its much better to start off mixing with .. shittier samples, so that when you do move to Slate you can get some really killer sounds. Otherwise you're starting with something that sounds 'good to go' already, and you need more experienced ears to hear what to change.

Go thru the raw tracks that have been posted here, pref with real drums, and try mixing all of those without ANY presets. Use reference mixes and reference tracks (rockband multitracks) if you have to, but no presets. Then post those in the rate my mix forum and people will be happy to help.
I'm in agreeance with morgan, i think youre trying to step in too far and run when you haven't even learned to walk yet in recording. The best way to learn and the best advice ever given here is EXPERIMENT! nobody gets good over night and i would honestly go as far as to say don't even think about touching a preset with your level of knowledge. Start off by learning how to use all your effects and plugins properly before doing anything... go search around on here or just google simple things to start. A good starting point is to learn the basic plugins. start with learning the basics of a compressor, gate, limiter; then move on to learning eq and how to apply it to each track, then from there learn your effect based plugins, such as your reverb, delay, etc. When i take a preset I use it to see how another engineer goes about using that plugin and seeing how it differs from what I do. I never use a preset as is, I ALWAYS tweak the hell out of them, or even just turn them off a use what I've learned from that preset to apply to the way I do things.

All in all, the most common mistake anyone ever makes in being a recording engineer is trying to do everything exactly like someone else. It just doesn't work like that, you have to learn how YOU mix, and what YOU like to do, and what works the best and most quickly for you.

I hope this helps and will take you in the right direction.
Trust me, presets don't help anyone other than the people who made them for their own songs. Play around and you'll find something you like.
Presets should be fucking banned. I'm serious.

Anyone else find it incredibly humorous that some EQ plugins have general settings for kick, snares, bass, guitar, etc...? WTF? When compressors have them, it's not as bad but I still find them just way off. Like I said learn how to fucking use shit, presets are worthless.

I can see presets for a telephone bell curve in an eq plug because that's convenient, but otherwise.... yeah wtf?
I know what you guys said,but i started to learn only in one year read this forum..what i know,i learn it in this forum..and i started to talk presets because for me it's a god start point for one that started to mix..i don't ask anymore presets,in this thread i ask tips for HH,and the preset is only refer to superior because i sae lot of people that ask them on the forum..i started to experiment with my mix,i don't ask preset when i post my mix but only advices..but now i know what you say morgan..i will honoured to receive you advice in the next mix,if you want..
and thanks to all you guys..i'll try only the experiment from now..
P.S. "what can i do to improve the clarity of the mix?eq in the master?"..this isn't beacuase i didn't understand,but because i ask to the only person that help me to improve the mix an you recommend to work on the master track or on the single instruments? infact,this person understood and gave me the advice..

Dont go for presets, they only fit in a certain context. Every mix is a unique mix and requires different approaches to the problems. Like I said before for equalization purposes it´s better to work each instrument than overall mix because you could create problems in things that dont have it. There are some things that are important to have some clarity like the overheads and the hit hat. A good eq on those can improve the mix a lot. I remember your song. Try a boost between 3khz and 8khz, a boost in that range will bring some brightness, search the better frequencies to do that and apply it. Don´t boost too much or you may lose to much mids and low end.
mattia, when other people ask presets and get answered, I think it's because of the form. I mean, sometimes, they ask a particular advice because they have a particular thing to do to improve their mix, and don't see how to. And if they get answered, it's because they are known not to be racing for presets. There is a sort of legitimity.

I still understand the interest of presets for you. When I first started, I found that presets were a good way to understand what does what. The example of the telephone curve is a good one : once I tried the preset, I understood how to EQ to have that effect. The bad side is that to really mix YOUR songs, you have to leave presets because they won't work. Presets are a good way to explore a virtual instrument, a reverb, to understand its character, but you have to leave without it, or create your OWN presets that you end using most of the time.

To answer your original question, I would say if you have problems with your HH you can check this :
- try panning the HH in an other position; it may be buried in the mix by another thing
- use the room/ambiance track if you have it to balance its sounds between the HH track and the room track
- it should be mainly (I would say) a problem of volume. then you may try to boost a little some mid high and high frequencies, but not too much

Well that's what I usually do for HH. And it's not a problem of kit used, they are all good, actually.

Good luck anyway, these people gave you the best advice, not to hurt you,but to make you understand what is the real paths to follow.
Mattia is right about one thing. It happens very often that someone posts a mix or a work on the "rate my mix.." section and no one comments it (50+ visits and 1 comment for example) so I understand it can be very frustrating and it cause probably other stupid threads because he/they wanna improve. It happens to me many times.
I understand we can't have 100comments in every thread but if SOME guys (mainly guys that already know how to make good sounding mixes) post a mix there are immediatelly 10-20 comments.
It's like when I post a mix sample with real drums and real amps (3-4 comments) and other 5-6 people post mixes with DFHS, POD, etc.. (dozens/pages of comments)
for S2.0 I personally do literally nothing to my hi-hat. No high-pass, low pass, no other corrective/creative eq, nothing. NOTHING.

overheads and room mics will take care of your hi-hat sound without even needing to touch the individual hi-hat track. the most i do is add in a bit of the close miced hi-hat just to bulk up the sound a little, that's IT.
Mattia is right about one thing. It happens very often that someone posts a mix or a work on the "rate my mix.." section and no one comments it (50+ visits and 1 comment for example) so I understand it can be very frustrating and it cause probably other stupid threads because he/they wanna improve. It happens to me many times.
I understand we can't have 100comments in every thread but if SOME guys (mainly guys that already know how to make good sounding mixes) post a mix there are immediatelly 10-20 comments.
It's like when I post a mix sample with real drums and real amps (3-4 comments) and other 5-6 people post mixes with DFHS, POD, etc.. (dozens/pages of comments)

That must make you sick man, If I was any good and I posted a new song up, and no one posted back, it would really make me furious, but i'm lucky, i'm not any good so it doesn't bother me :lol:
for S2.0 I personally do literally nothing to my hi-hat. No high-pass, low pass, no other corrective/creative eq, nothing. NOTHING.

overheads and room mics will take care of your hi-hat sound without even needing to touch the individual hi-hat track. the most i do is add in a bit of the close miced hi-hat just to bulk up the sound a little, that's IT.

You really don't have to do anything? :OMG:

It must be pretty damn good if you don't have to do anything to it!
You really don't have to do anything? :OMG:

It must be pretty damn good if you don't have to do anything to it!

Hi-hats come in on the OH's anyway, and theres usually a lot of bleed from the snare mic as well to contend with, so I find quite a lot of the time a hi-hat mic on its own isn't that useful except for bulking it up a bit.

If ever in a situation where you're running out of working microphones or channel space (happened a lot in live for me - things break a lot more) then I find the first thing to go will usually be the hi-hat mic.
@nuno flipe:thanks man for the advice..btw my affermation wasn't a critique to you,but a thanks because you gave me the advice to work each instrument ;)
@all other guys:thank you to every one for the advice with HH and to have undertsood my words..