something a bit more typical from me [metal,real drums,amps etc]

the mix sounds good , maybe a bit harsh but just maybe..

the thing I didnt liked about this mix is it has no depth , no 3d ... sounds too flat..

I'd definitely like to hear a bit less presence and a bit more treble on those amps. Not sure if you dual mic'd, but if you do on the next pass, you'll help get rid of the fizz I'm talking about.

The hi hat and ride could definitely go down a bit in certain sections; they're robbing a bit of sparkle from other instruments.

Overall the drums sounds are great. Bass tone is cool, vocals are sitting very nicely.
overheads sound really sharp, it fits the mix but it might get fatiguing after a while. I really like the "beef" of your mix, its got a nice heft/weight to it.