Something for you Bay Area folk


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Sorry to promote this on this board but no one reads the US Metal one, and everyone from the bay area posts here anyway...if its a prob, let me know and I'll delete it....

Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaays: Extreme metal show at the Pound, Sept. 7.....

21 and over is bullshit..if they want to make restrictions for shows it should be 18 and over...21 and over is pushing it, 18 should be the age to drink as well....there is pretty much NO difference between a 19/20 year old and a 21 year old.
yeah 21+ sucks....

we are a black metal band that combines melodic traditional metal with classical writing keys just rocking fucking metal....the other bands I'm unsure of, but it sounds like DM to me....

you can check us out on

and some new promo songs in my signature....

if anyone wants us to sell some albums let me know and I'll bring some up...
I saw you guys at the Krieg show at iMusicast a few weeks ago. Sounded way good, sounds to me like Iron Maiden meets Dissection. In fact, my buddy Beavis picked up the Maiden influence so well that he told me "I bet they play Aces High next". AND YOU DID! It was probably the best call I'd ever heard ;)

And Pyrus, you dont have to worry about getting your ass kicked at a black metal show. Remember the 101 Rules of Black Metal? The rule about "No having fun at concerts. Just stand there with your arms crossed and make no movements whatsoever." Funny right? Its true. Everyone just stood there watching. I think it was downright retarded. Maybe thats why I'm into death metal way more than black metal (though I definitely dig the masterpieces of the genre). Now Skinless at the Pound, THAT was something else!
yeah I was getting into metal just as real pits were was fun, no one got hurt, and every kinda jumped and moved...then the California trend of circling hit the East coast around 96-96...then I moved out here, and everyone moshes like dicks...

at a Nile show last January some kid ran by me, and I wasn't even near the pit, and grabbed my hair and kept running into the pit....He wouldn't let go and it hurt like hell, so I started beating his cheek in with my left hand until he let go...fucking hardcore kids...