Something Free to do Thurs. night 7/27

Steph Harris

Maidens' Bass
If you're looking for something to do Thursday night, the Marina Del Rey Summer Symphony will be putting on a free concert at 7pm at the Chace Burton Park in Marina Del Rey. I'll be playing in the bass section :) . We're doing famous opera tunes (so our Jeff Milne probably won't want to go) . Here are a few: Prelude/ Die Meistersinger (Wagner), Che Gelida Manina, Mi Chiamano Mimi, and more/ La Boheme (Puccini), Song to the Moon/ Rusalka (one of my favorites- Dvorak), Largo al factotum della citta/ Barber of Seville (Rossini) and more...

Here's a link for more info:

Jeff ~ this would be a good concert to go to if you're thinking about giving opera a chance..just get there early this time . In fact, if you want, you can borrow my parking pass that day since I'll be carpooling with the timpani player (I'll need to get it back from you later though)-just shoot me an e-mail and let me know if you're interested...
W :)
I can't make it and Rossini pieces are up. :cry: :cry:

BTW what the heck size vehicle is gonna fit a double bass and a timpani set? :lol:

Steph Harris said:
It is but I won't be there for the last concert due to a schedule conflict.

Got the dates and pieces to be performed Wanda? There is no way I could make it this week but can with enough time to plan.

I love Rossini and Verdi works so anything along those lines I'd love to see performed. I use to play bass along to some CD's with overtures from both of them.

They may still be spinning in their graves. :lol:
