Something I read about some Slipknot fans...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
In the new issue of Metal Edge(yes,I read this magazine)-
Some rowdy Slipknot fans started hasling members-via e-mail and telephone-of the Knitting And Crochet Guild after discovering that the English organization's quarterly publication is titled Slipknot .The magazine-which has been around since 1978-was named after the first loop used when knitting a new item.

I won't say tell me.I'm not going to say anything about Slipknot and I'll only say one thing about the fans who are doing this stuff-they seem a lot like some of the Cannibal Corpse board members.
Just thought I'd share that piece of information with you all.
Yeah,I wanted to start laighing when I read that.Is it just that those ppl have so much anger and testosterone that they feel the need to bully around these little organizations that are totally unrelated to them?
THIS IS WEEKS AND WEEKS OLD!!!!!! nice of you to group all us slipknot fans together just becuz a band has a few total buttheads for fans....i'm sure even nevermore have some idiots for fans the dipshits who harrassed the boy band nevermoure....remember???? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by buzz
THIS IS WEEKS AND WEEKS OLD!!!!!! nice of you to group all us slipknot fans together just becuz a band has a few total buttheads for fans....i'm sure even nevermore have some idiots for fans the dipshits who harrassed the boy band nevermoure....remember???? :rolleyes:
I am not saying that all Slipknot fans are like this.I haven't said that once.I am saying that this is what a few morons are doing-the name of this thread is "Something I read about some Slipkont fans"not "All Slipknot fans are dipshits"because some of my friends are into Slipknot and I am not putting them in the same catagory as these idiots.
The Two Towers,Lord of the Rings movie is insensitive to the September 11th tragedies...WHAT?!?That's being a bit too oversensitive,I think.It's a fantasy movie about some magical land full of trolls!!!(that's what a hobbit is,right?)Goddamnit!You're right...some ppl are just too worked up over unimportant little things like that.
Hey Famous Amos!! How's it going? Still playing the guitar? Still, uhhh, practically stalking guys you like? OOOPS!!!! he he he:D
hmmmm, maybe so. well, if Darkspot doesn't show up soon, then if you see her tell her that my letter will be in the mail tonight. thanks!