Something like "Hrimthursum" by Necrophobic


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2007
Am loving this album to bits and would like some similar stuff... any tips? I really like the production and the style of the music... so any tips would be real welcome thanks :rock:
Have you tried The Nocturnal Silence, which is a much more complex version of the same basic style by the same band?
The Nocturnal Silence is a great album but it doesn't sound anywhere near as clean as Hrimthursum does so I'm not really sure about that one and I don't know how it's more complex. It's a lot duller musically, IMO. anyways, blackened death that might do...:

Deviser - Transmission to Chaos/Unspeakable Cults
Both really good albums, I don't like their latest effort though.

In Battle - Kingdom of Fear/Welcome to the Battlefield/Rage of the Northmen
In that order.