Something to do this Saturday


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
If anyone's looking for something to do this weekend, I'm sitting in with a tribute to Joe Satriani called Surfing With An Alien this Saturday night, April 26th. These guys are a really awesome group of players and know how to have fun! Anyway, just thought I'd throw it out there. Also on the bill, Caress of Steel, a tribute to Rush, and also a tribute to Ozzy. Info:

Crash Mansion
1024 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA

I almost made it out to the show - but was doing a private party that went into OT so couldn't make it there in time. :waah:

So Linda, you just have to let those of us who couldn't make it know how it went! Enquiring minds wanna know!! :)
I had the best time in a long time. A small but supportive crowd, a few familiar faces (TY for coming!), and strep throat. Painfully joyous, but a wonderful night personally. Hope yer gig was a gooder too Aja. They must have liked you cuz they didn't want to let you leave! HAHA!