something very slow/heavy and different - my first attempt at mastering

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

I haven't posted anything here in a while so I figured I'd post this. It is very different to my normal stuff - much slower and more chuggy, etc. seeing as it was a really different song to what I normally do I thought I'd go over the top with experimentation for the sake of it, so in this song you can find my first use of a sub drop, my first use of a glitch tool, and also the first thing I've ever tried to 'master' somewhat.

I know the drums are INCREDIBLY boring...I just came up with some quick and easy beats so i could send it to the band to give them a general idea of what is happening. Also, sorry for the bad playing with crossfades everywhere :lol: - I wrote it at the same time I recorded it, and didn't want to track it all again. :erk: I am hoping some really interesting drums and some cool vocal rhythms will bring this song alive.

Please comment on the riffs themselves mostly, because I think they're really cool, but need to know what other people think. Any other comments are welcome however, because I need to work on improving my tones and stuff for an upcoming EP type of thing I'm going to record for my band. :)

There is no bass by the way. Chug DEMO-oic.mp3
Over 30 views and no posts? :(

I know everything sounds a little weird, but it is more about the composition for now, and I can't make things better without you guys giving me some pointers. ;)
Not sure what pointers I can give.. But cool riffs for that style you going for... would like to hear it with proper drums and a sweet bass :)

.. okay just got to the glitch part, not to sure what I think of that hehe.
IMO the thing that makes or breaks a composition like this is the vocals and ofcourse overall production that can keep you from thinking "hey this is starting to get a bit boring", for now you got a good starting point.

Anyways, tl;dr the riffs is definitely not bad ;)
Thanks for the feedback guys! I did another version that has a few more things done to it, but I am having a lot of trouble knowing how to compress a bass tone properly to reduce the dynamics. Can anyone help me out?

Updated version. Demo - Epic Chug.mp3

I'm trying to work on my tones and stuff a lot so when I get the new Slate stuff and hopefully an electronic kit, I will have a good basis for the drum sounds to be put around, as well as have some totally killer songs of course. I recently recorded and wrote a REALLY rough album for my band, and rather than trying to do it all again, I'm concentrating on writing some more music (hopefully we'll have a whole EP's worth soon) and try to record it all much better, and just think more about having a lot of solid material. :)

I'm aware that quantity can't make up for quantity, but we're really happy with our songs compositionally, and always want to write more.
bitches dont know bout my doom

dylan this shit should be like 30bpm
its too fast
I've never heard much doom metal at all really. I am not sure if that was what I was going for...not being familiar with it, but I definitely just wanted something with epic huge palm mutes and stuff. :lol:
Ok so I'm giving it one last bump and then I'll let it die and not post anything again until I've got something mixed a little better (again). :lol:
Hmm, it doesn't sound like it was mastered. I mean, it sounds like a rough mix. I don't really like the hi-hats (are those hi-hats?) they sound very weird. And the guitar tone is kind of too dirty too, but I think it's ok.

That thing at 2:00 is REALLY weird, but in a good way, haha. I liked that.
Hmm, not a fan of the guitar tone dude, kinda scratchy and a bit nasal, while also feeling kinda scooped :/ And that main beat-keeping cymbal in the first riff is quite cheap sounding IMO; thin and too loud IMO, I'd change the sample if I were you! I don't mind the one that comes in in the next section, but it doesn't seem to be sitting too well. Diggin' the kick and snare sounds though! (kick could have just a touch less click though IMO) And that hi-hat just came in, which is sounding pretty strange too (just very removed from the rest of the mix; what is with all these cymbals? :lol: ) Keep it up though man!
Yeh upon listening again, everything seems to sound extremely weird to me! The way I mastered it is pretty lulzy and I was just experimenting with a bunch of different stuff, and I really didn't want to put the effort into fixing those cymbal sounds for such a pre-mature demo version of the song/s, so when I get my new drum program and a better vocal mic I'll put a lot more effort in.