Something's brewing! (Warning: Speculations)


Confused Norwegian
Oct 6, 2004
Here's an interview with our old pal Jens Ryland, who's playing guitar with Borknagar at Inferno today..

I found the following:
(translated by me)
Begin quote
Borknagar is also a thing to mention when talking to you. You're still active here, you say?

"Active and active.. Can't really call it active.

I quit three years ago, and didn't participate on Epic. Then I agreed to play on Scream's anniversary last year, and that led to Inferno. I'm not sure will be that many concerts after Inferno, but who knows. The Borkna-guys have become so grown up and "hjemmekjære" (Home Sweet Home-ish, not sure what to use) that the band is more like a studioband nowadays.
I can tell you that the record company called when we were rehearsing before the previous concert, and offered us an European tour!! We had a lot of laughs that evening!"

End quote

As I'm angry because I can't go to Inferno (easter holiday in the US, tho I got to see Children of Bodom), this got me all startled!

EDIT: I see now that there is already a thread about the interview.. sorry.
that's kinda cool, who knows what will happen
i'll just stay tuned for any official news regarding this matter, thanks
Erik Tiwaz said:
Highly speculative.....
Well you know, as some of us can only dream about seeing Borknagar live, we have to keep our hopes up with the help of "rumours" like this :goggly:
Go kick some ass at Inferno :rock:
smea said:
Here's an interview with our old pal Jens Ryland, who's playing guitar with Borknagar at Inferno today..

I found the following:
(translated by me)
Begin quote
Borknagar is also a thing to mention when talking to you. You're still active here, you say?

"Active and active.. Can't really call it active.

I quit three years ago, and didn't participate on Epic. Then I agreed to play on Scream's anniversary last year, and that led to Inferno. I'm not sure will be that many concerts after Inferno, but who knows. The Borkna-guys have become so grown up and "hjemmekjære" (Home Sweet Home-ish, not sure what to use) that the band is more like a studioband nowadays.
I can tell you that the record company called when we were rehearsing before the previous concert, and offered us an European tour!! We had a lot of laughs that evening!"

End quote

As I'm angry because I can't go to Inferno (easter holiday in the US, tho I got to see Children of Bodom), this got me all startled!

EDIT: I see now that there is already a thread about the interview.. sorry.

What got you startled? I don't understand why.

- Asgeir
Because if the record company keeps offering you tours, maybe we'll be lucky enough to witness a Borknatour in the future :)

Eh, I check my dictionary. Startled wasn't the right word to use. Surprised, eager, heeelt i hundre :)
lol.i guess that asgeir means hes better off staying at home running his business than touring with bork
what do the other gus do for a living? im guessing sound engineers, design, studio or magazine owners,audio related products stuff like that. i heard hellhammers a night shift guard
asgeir said:
Century Media's been offered Borknagar tours for years. They are as shitty paid as ever so the chance for seeing us on tour is minimal. It's funny that bands are supposed to play for almost nothing.

- Asgeir

CM's advertising and publicity methods have to change. Currently, the only band on the roster that's getting any attention is Lacuna Coil.

It doesn't help that the broadcast radio in the US sucks balls and that the only place to hear any Metal is usually only satellite radio.
asgeir said:
Hehe, our way of dealing with it is by staying home earning money the usual way...

- Asgeir

Doing music full time when it's not some kind of pop-trash junk isn't an easy thing to do. Even our local orchestras here in Sydney have a tough time getting funding to do concerts. Our culture these days doesn't have a high appreciation of the arts as in times past.

Thus, for guys like Borknagar who make music for the love of it and not the fame, it's tough. But because they do it for the love, they produce great music and are also great musicians. The same also goes for many other Metal bands out there.

Sure, even for me being in Australia, where we're lucky to have some bands come over and we wish for many more, I consider myself lucky that such bands are even out there. Even having them produce what they do is something to be greatful for.