Karmageddon Media insults Chuck Schuldiner's memory and his family on recent release.

Darth Kur

Misanthropic Naysayer
Dec 3, 2002
NC, Vinland
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A friend of mine recently acquired a cd entitled Chuck Schuldiner - Zero Tolerance, released by Karmageddon Media / Tuba, 2004. This is the same label that used to be called Hammerheart Records. Supposedly they ended up changing their name on account of shady dealings. It seems that Guido, the guy that runs the label, wasted no time in taking up old practices.
In the liner notes of the afore mentioned disc Guido personally goes on a lengthy diatribe slagging Chuck Schuldiner's family and band mates.
As you will see the guy comes off sounding like a complete self-centered and arrogant asshole.
Here are some excerpts that my friend transcribed:
"..........we decided that 2003 should be the year, the CONTROL DENIED CD had to be released, but as I write this we all know it did not happen. Why? As I said previously I would like to know the answer to that question myself...The only thing I know for sure is that we tried very hard, but the family Schuldiner who is looking after Chuck's Legacy refused to do anything to get the album released, no one actually heard anything (not morrisound, no people like Steve Digiorgio, no one..) from them and for some reason they broke all contact and even if I tried to call them many times a day, no phone call was answered.. if they think the record business is bad business they should simply finish this and then break all ties to this industry, not without giving the fans and the record label an album we all disservice..and are still waiting for."
"solutions too many to name were shared, but it seemed to have no effect. And trying to take away this release from us, after all these blood, sweat and tears, was something I had never thought about, but it happened, but fortunately "trying" was as far as it would get. So we had to go our own way.... What you hold in your hand right now is NOT the CONTROL DENIED record it is not of perfect quality, it is not at all what I had ever imagined releasing, but we were left no other choice!!!! ...."
"..AND if the family disagrees on this release (which they obviously will, they basically disagree on everything) and sums this release up under the name of "disrespect" I Urgently ask them to finally supply us with the real album because more cool minor release's are in preparation... we cannot sit back and wait forever......"
Those are some real bold statements. For those of you that find offense then perhaps you'd be so inclined to drop this jerk a line and tell him what you think.

Tel: +31 46 437 3600

Also I found a couple sites that reviewed this release. Unfortunately they are both in Norwegian. I can kind of get the jist of some of it and the one site gave it a rating of 1/10. If anyone can translate this reviews I'd be interested in hearing the details.



P.S. I had posted this just before UM crashed. It was, unfortunately, one of the posts that were lost.
How exactly was he being an asshole? So he wants to release the COntrol Denied album. So? Lots of albums are released posthumously.
Hammerheart records is a massive ripoff.

I'm no fan of Chuck Schuldiner, nor his bitchy whore of a mother, but she is doing the right thing by not releasing the Control Denied album if it's not in a state where it can be released in anything approximating a form of quality.

Mostly, metal is mediocre people trying to sound important... ;) Hammerheart records, and Chuck Schuldiner, are no exceptions.